Well, thats not attractive!!?!

Question: Well, thats not attractive!!.?
I've had about every dental surgery you can imagine. You name it, I've had it.
So, whenever they do it I always get the numbing shots. But I just noticed while brushing my teeth that I have all these little holes and bruises where they've put the shots.
It's not the best look, as it looks like I've got mouth freckles.

Will this ever go away.?Health Question & Answer

well who is going to look in your mouth....just tell them its from the braces!

geeze, Brittany Fallon T-A!!
you are beautiful, stop putting yourself down!!!
I hate when I get called "pretty"
do you know how many times i hear that in a day...i live in a town of rednecks....any one with more than 2 teeth is considered pretty!!
and I have beer gut, sleeveless shirted guys hitting on me!!

ADD: if you were to come out here, guys would fall head over heals for you...do you want that kinda attention.?!Health Question & Answer

How long have they been there.? If not long, then I would think they'll go away. You are referring to the inside of your mouth right...like the inside cheek area.?.?.?

Edit: Why aren't transgender's attractive yahoo.? :)

I would think that if the giant gaping holes left from my wisdom teeth being pulled could heal and close up, that some small poke holes from shots will too. :) And true...no one is going to see them...except the dentist :DHealth Question & Answer

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