What comes with Braces?!

Question: What comes with Braces.?
I am getting braces REALLY soon and I want to know what you get with it and what it is for!! (i.e. wax for painful spots)

PLEASE no rude comments!!! I really want to know!!!Health Question & Answer

I have them and I'm extrememly happy with them. They are the best way for straightening teeth :)

Wax to put on the bracket which is causing the pain of Ulcers and sores ( http://www.orthodontics-center.com/wp-co... )
An alcohol free Mouthwash should be used once a day ( .?imgurl=http://www.cts-dental.com/trade/images/th_MIS199.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cts-dental.com/trade/products.asp%3Fcategory%3DMouthwash%26subcategory%3DSpecialist&h=80&w=72&sz=4&hl=en&start=1&um=1&usg=__BQt15EGBWvi35ZlCXMLZZKqwE_g=&tbnid=K3_DKEXsVmr60M:&tbnh=74&tbnw=67&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSwirl%2Bmouthwash%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_ENUK274" rel="nofollow">http://images.google.co.uk/imgres.?imgurl... )
Interdental brushes to go between teeth and the wires ( http://www.drtheroux.com/images/brush1.j... )
And a small brush to clean the brackets. ( i couldn't find a picture sorry :( )
And of course a main orthodontic toothbrush which is a slightly different shape (With a dip going through the middle) ( https://jawproducts.authsecure.com/image... ) Unfortunately they do seem to only come in child sizes :/ But like mine; they can come with the interdental brush at the opposite end. As seen in that picture ;p It's always good to have some spare Interdental brushes because the wire on the little brush tends to get week and break over time. So I recommend getting a pack of them. Alot of the equipment will usually be sold at the orthodontist. Mainly the brushes, wax and mouthwash. The elastic bands are free. The packs of Interdental brushes usually can be bought in places that sell toothbrushes, mouthwash etc. And chemists.

Forget the whole pain thing. It's not even that bad. Don't let it worry you and put you off from having lovely straight teeth. There is only pain (Like a bad toothache) for a couple of days when the orthodontist tightens them. Nothing a pain killer can't handle ;) In fact I've learnt to live with the pain and don't even need the pain killers.
also at some point the orthodontist may give you small elastic bands to hook onto certain parts of your braces. This is to close any gaps. It seems quite hard at first to put the elastic bands in. But in the end you can do it without looking lol. They give you a bag of many replacements. And they are tiny so don't worry about swallowing them. (I swallowed many accidentally but it never harmed me). At the end of your treatment you will probably need a retainer for a while to wear in bed or maybe daytime to make sure that your teeth stay in place. But it all does result in a fantastic smile :D You will honestly see a massive improvement. You also get free tooth whitening at the end which I think is very good lol.

I hope I could help you :)Health Question & Answer

i never got spacers. but they give you handy book with info on what foods you must abstain from - like sticky foods, gum, popcorn, nuts, anything hard that could break your brackets and/or wires. they gave me this handy kit with an electric flosser (muy importante!), tooth brush with this thing at the end that you can insert between each bracket to clean them, wax for the pain, this dissolving tablets so you can see any areas you missed while brushing/flossing, those cool dental mirrors so you can see the inside of your mouth, a timer so you can time yourself while brushing, and a guide to help you how to use everything. its pretty exciting! but its a lot of pain during the first couple of days (i'm in day 1), so have with you some tylenol or advil. good luck mi amor!Health Question & Answer

hmm..when I got braces I didn't get anything but the wax. you just put it over the spots that rub on your lips/cheeks. really it doesn't work all that great but it does help a little. If I have any advice, it's to take like 3 aspirin before you go to bed that night, because they may not hurt when you first get them on but once they really start pulling on your teeth, it hurts. I woke up in the middle of the night in tears..lol. OH and getting them on is a long process so make sure you bring chapstick to the orthodontist or you will end up with cracked lips. good luck with the braces..they are well worth it!!Health Question & Answer

has your dentist ever told you that you had a small mouth/jaw.? my dentists kept telling me that. and when i got braces, it was painful. they had to keep coming back with a smaller size for everything, and when they had their smallest size, they had to just stretch my mouth and just hoped that it didn't hurt me. :/Health Question & Answer

Pain which is how you know the braces are working. You should get some wax too to stop the brace from touching the lips, gums, etc.. You might also get a booklet explaining how to floss with the braces on and stuff like that.Health Question & Answer

It depends how bad your teeth are, for me the hardest part about braces were the spacers in the beginning and the rubber bandsHealth Question & Answer


But when you have straight teeth you'll be glad you got them!!!!

your orthodontist will probably give you wax and they will tell you everything you need to knowHealth Question & Answer

Pain.Health Question & Answer

but a pretty smile:]Health Question & Answer

u get pain and a they get a gun and scew it in ur mouthHealth Question & Answer

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