Porcelian veneers for a 16 year old?!

Question: Porcelian veneers for a 16 year old.?
My daughter is 16 and needs braces. Her teeth arent that bad, she has a slight underbite and a few slightly crooked teeth. I saw an ad for veneers and thought that this may be the quickest way to correct this, but is she too young.? would she have to replace them down the road.?Health Question & Answer

I would rather my daughter had braces rather than veneers.
Veneers would undoubtedly be quicker, but...
1. It requires removal of part of the outer layer of the teeth. Why do this to perfectly healthy teeth.?
2. The veneers will thicken the contact area of the teeth, making them harder to clean, and potentially leading to future decay;
3. Veneers will not last forever, and will need replacement sometime. They are not so easy to do a second time, and may lead to full coverage crowns;
4. The cost could be comparable to orthodontia, so you wouldn't necessarily be saving much.
4. I consider 16 is too young for veneers, as the gum height has still not stabilised. 18 years old is a minimum.Health Question & Answer

Obviously a Dentist should decide this with you, but 16 is a good age to have veneers, if they are done correctly there should be no problems.Health Question & Answer

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