Why is there a 'Do not Eat, Drink or Rinse within half an hour' Message on Listerine with Fluoride?!

Question: Why is there a 'Do not Eat, Drink or Rinse within half an hour' Message on Listerine with Fluoride.?
I can understand the do not eat or drink because it contains anti-septic chemicals and fluoride. But why can't I rinse my mouth!.? HahaHealth Question & Answer

Fluoride strengthens teeth and gums and needs to stay on them approximately a half hour to be effective. This is why you should not do anything to remove the coating of fluoride (eating, drinking, rinsing mouth out.) Health Question & Answer

one use listerine with fluoride because it has fluoride in it which makes the teeth resistant to caries. for fuoride to work minimum of half an hour is required. if you rinse or eat within half an hour then it will not be effective.For more information on fluorides you can visit www.identalhub.com. they have the facility for free dental consultation by a dentist.Health Question & Answer

the point of fluoride is to remineralise your teeth. It can only to this if it is in direct contact with your teeth. If you swallow it, then there will be not therapeutic effect. Half an hour is the standard time recommended by most companies.Health Question & Answer

Fluoride is a bacteriocide. It needs sufficient time (30 minutes) to kill all of the bacteria lingering in the mouth. Getting a fluoride rinse at the dentist's office takes a half hour too.Health Question & Answer

Once you use the listerine they dont want you to rinse because your putting the fluoride on your teeth so if you do rinse it would be pointless, its just like as if you were to drink something. It would come off!Health Question & Answer

Hello...the simple explanation is that any medicated solution designed to be used as a mouth wash and provide a reaction needs to have time for the reaction to take place...Good luck and I wish you well.Health Question & Answer

because it takes at least a half and hour for the fluoride to have any effect on your teeth and if you eat drink or rinse it will degrade the effect of the fluorideHealth Question & Answer

If you eat or drink too soon after it may stain your teeth more than usual. Not rinsing is probably because if is still killing germs and bacteria and if you rinse it out it doesn't work anymore. Health Question & Answer

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