I got braces today, The pain is terrible...?!

Question: I got braces today, The pain is terrible....?
I cant even close my mouth fully. And even if my tongue touches the back of the bottom teeth or two front teeth i feel like crying.
Pain killers dont do anything for me, I can't stand it!Health Question & Answer

I've had mine on for...just over 2 months now, just about to have my first tightening, so the pain is very fresh in my mind!
Stick to very soft foods, soup, bananas, anything that you can break up small enough to put into your mouth and 'mush' up against the roof of your mouth without having to use your teeth.
This may sound silly but...if you have any plastic cutlery/glasses use them instead of metal ones because if you accidnetally bang the spoon or whatever against your teeth...well you can imagine!! I found straws very useful!!
try taking really cold water and just holding it in your mouth for a while and then spit it out, its distracting from the pain!
I spent a lot of the time puffing out my cheeks to keep them away from my braces, but now i just use wax on the brackets that have those 'hooks' on, and my lips can just kinda slide over the hooks without getting caught or cut up on them!
Ice cream and other cold things are said to be quite helpful with numbing, or you could always use the numbing 'gel' stuff you can get a chemists...whenever i go to the dentist i get the bubblegum one stuffed into my mouth before i get an injection...which put me off it slightly!
Aside from that, i'm not sure what else to suggest since i only had top brackets put on at the front for the time being, so i was able to chew at the back pretty soon after.
Don't attempt to floss for the 1st few days...its not worth the pain but do brush carefully with a really soft toothbrush so as not to inflame your gums anymore than they are at the moment!!
Hope this helps!!!
Health Question & Answer

Oh my, I'm so so sorry. I feel your pain though. I've had braces though and yes, they are killer. Your dentist shoulda given you some wax, if you put the wax on some parts that are hurting it wont cut your gums or inside of your cheeks. If they did'nt give you any then ask for some.
Try getting a small cloth and putting some water in it then wring it out and stick it in the freezer for five minutes and then biting on it or just half way closing your mouth with it in. that should dull the pain some.
You could also call your doc, not your dentist but your doctor and asking about some prescription pain killer or something that they know of that works well that you can just buy without a prescription.
Try to get some rest and eat soup and milkshakes. I feel your pain, beleive me. I hope I helped. God blessHealth Question & Answer

The good news is the soreness/pain will subside in a few days. Trust me, I know exactly what you are going through. I have been having mine on for 4 mths now. When you go in to get them tightened, it will again be sore, but for only a day. Try taking tylenol/motrin every 4 hours, even when you dont have pain, stay on top of the pain, dont let the pain get out of control. Try oragel, try eating pudding, ice cream, mashed potatoes. Dont baby your teeth, the pain lasts longer (thats what I think anyway). Trust me, you will be back to normal in about a week or two!Health Question & Answer

been there. had braces for over 2 years and i hurt like hell the first 2 weeks. but i'm a weenie. here's a suggestion. i used this stuff the last time i had a sore throat and it worked really good. call your doctor's office and ask them to prescribe something called "Magic Mouth Wash". Its a compound they mix in the pharmacy and it will numb your mouth for about 1/2 hour at a time. you rinse with it and then spit. Health Question & Answer

Don't worry! My pain wasen't as extreame but it still hurt a lot!
after the third or forth day your mouth will feel fine. The worst pain is when you get them on for the first time. after that when the tighten the wire it is'nt so bad. The last time I went it barly felt like a thing. I remember when I first got them on though. hang in there.Health Question & Answer

The truth is painful mate,it won't stop hurting you for atleast 3daysHealth Question & Answer

I feel your pain. I had braces for 4 years. Have you tried oragel.? It does a pretty good job of numbing your gums.Health Question & Answer

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