Please help, I think I have a popcorn kernel stuck under my gum?!

Question: Please help, I think I have a popcorn kernel stuck under my gum.?
I ate popcorn not too long ago and it seems like I remember having a kernel stuck between my gum and tooth. I tried getting it out for like two days but had no luck removing it. One morning it just seemed to be gone and I just assumed it had finally come out on its own. But, two days later I noticed that my gum was beginning to get sore and kind of swollen. So now it's three days after it began to hurt and it isn't getting any better. I can't chew on that side and it's uncomfortable just to talk. Is it possible that the kernel just migrated deeper into my gum rather than coming out.? Is there anything I can do to get it out on my own (even though I can't even see it anymore), or will I have to go to a dentist.?

If I have to go to the dentist for it, how exactly would they remove it from my gum.?.? It seems like it's in there deep and I'll pass out from pain if hes using a sharp utensil to dig it out lol, so I hope there's a pain free method of removing it

Thanks for any help!Health Question & Answer

Easily done pain free, either by dentist or doctor, nothing at all to worry over, just pop in and ask.Health Question & Answer

Yeah it sounds like it did go into your gums, you will need to see a dentist asap. they will probally numb it and then dig it out i relly dont think theres a pain free solution, sorry and good luck.Health Question & Answer

floss, use a water pick, rinse, and brush. if this doesn't help, see your dentist.Health Question & Answer

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