My crown fell of this morning!!! Ugh?!

Question: My crown fell of this morning!!! Ugh.?
Alright, so I had a root canal done on a bottom right molar 2 years ago. This morning it fell out when I was eating. I'm so frusterated, because I have no insurance. I do have a full-time job however..but they supply no insurance. I'm going to end up spending mucho money to get this fixed. What do I do.? What will they do with my tooth.? I have the crown in a sandwich bag. I figured it would be a good thing to save! Now will they be able to save my tooth or will they have to be able to pull it out or what.? Or could they put the same crown back on my tooth.? I'm so frusterated. I'm only 20!Health Question & Answer

First of all RELAX...If the tooth is intact, they may be able to re cement the same crown back on. Next, you need to get the crown back in place. Teeth can shift if the crown is not there to keep things in place.It does not take long for teeth to start shifting, a day or so can mean the difference of the crown not going back to place. Go to the drugstore and get some denture adhesive-yes, Fixodent or Poligrip are fine.Clean out the inside of the crown and make sure there is no food debris left inside. Next, practice placing the crown back to place. It only goes on one way, so you will know if it is correct. If the crown does not go easily back in place-do not bite it down to see if you can seat it better, you can break the porcelain or warp the fit.If you can get it in place, take your Fixodent and place a SMALL drop inside the crown and place it back on your tooth. This should hold until you get back to see your dentist.It may come off again,but keep the crown in place! Call your dentist ASAP and get in to have the dentist evaluate the tooth and see what can be done. It may not be as bad as you think! Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Becky- A lot of people have a money problem as you do, but still need dental care to prevent further bad changes. Many dentists have the same situation with patients. Call your dentist's office. Explain your financial situation and ask if you might be able to pay part of the amount owed each month. If that doesn't work, ask if they know of a free dental clinic, or look in the phone book to call your local County Dental Society and ask for their help. Please don't put it off and leave the tooth exposed to further loss or infection.Health Question & Answer

You need to go to a dentist and have it consulted, estimated and plan out other options. The ideal treatment plan will be to have the root canal re done, re adapt a dowel post and re-cement if possible the crown on the sandwich bag. but if the case is beyond this ideal plan, a loan will be an option.Health Question & Answer

it wont be as expensive as you think, probably less than a hundred. relax just go to the same dentistHealth Question & Answer

just get a job that you can get more paid the can get alot of money if you work there for one week.Health Question & Answer

as long as you still have the crown and it's in the same condition you'll be fine. They'll just put it back on with adhesive. Health Question & Answer

I can't help with the cost side of things, but I can give you a couple of scenarios:
1. your crown has slipped off and the tooth underneath is still intact. easily fixed by the dentist gluing it back.

2. the top of your tooth is actually broken and still inside your crown... this is a problem because its likely that you won't be able to just pop it back on since the support for the crown is busted. if theres enough tooth you might be able to get a new one. if theres not you may need to look at other options for replacing that tooth.Health Question & Answer

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