Why is me teeth on the left side of my mouth always dirty, although im not using it in chewing?!

Question: Why is me teeth on the left side of my mouth always dirty, although im not using it in chewing.?
im not using my left teeth(molars, bicuspids) because i have a cavity there, so i always use the right side...but the left side is always dirty, while the right side is always clean...why is that.? it should be the right side that should be dirty isnt it.?Health Question & Answer

the most probable reason for that is you have rough surfaces in your left posterior teeth where food debris tend to adhere. considering the cavities youd mentioned.theres no way you can prevent the foods from going to both sides of your dentition.have the cavities filled by your dentist and of course cleaning is a must.Health Question & Answer

I have the same problem! It's because when you drink water, you try to keep it on the right of your mouth where it doesn't hurt, and when you brush it hurts on the left so you don't clean as thoroughly on the left.Health Question & Answer

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