Wisdom tooth question . . ?!

Question: Wisdom tooth question . . .?
Did you have a wisdom tooth surgically removed.?

How was it done. How long did it take to heal completely.?

Did the dentist talk about any complications.?

ThanksHealth Question & Answer

I had all of my wisdom teeth surgically removed the summer after my 8th grade year.

I was put all the way under (no local for me!). It took me 7 days to heal completely.

My oral surgeon told me about dry socket, pain, sucking out the sutures (patients cannot drink w/ straws immediately after surgery) and the normal stuff.

He didn't tell me about the amount of blood we swallow as the procedure is taking place. I was unpleasantly surprised that I vomited large amounts of blood after I came to. Some people absorb it and others don't. I was one who didn't.

One thing I would suggest - eat all of your favorite hard foods before surgery. You'll crave them if you don't!
Good luck.Health Question & Answer

I had my wisdom teeth pulled and it was not a surgical procedure because I did not wait until they started to bother me. Have all of them pulled at once if you need to do it because it is easier. My neighbors 2 teenage kids just had it done. It was a surgical procedure for them because doing them all at once is rough but avoids having to risk the possibility of them bothering you. Mines actually never bother me but became abscessed and boy let me tell you, I had no idea the teeth were even there. It is rather painful after wards and took about a week to heal. they do give yu good medication to make you rest and I had no complications. The dentist does talk about the complications but I remember him saying that it's rare that there are complications from this. You should not smoke though or you could cause a pocket in the gum and get an infection.Health Question & Answer

I had one pulled back in the day when we used to call the dentist a "butcher"
Now days they are so much more "patient friendly" and they do all they can to make us comfortable etc.
But even so when I had mine done, they found that I had a double tooth one growing on top of the other and when pulling they they cracked the jaw bone and had to put a splint one it. But even so it wasn't any worst than having a regular tooth pulled. Now days it is even less pain full - so don't worry things will work out fine. Health Question & Answer

the surgeon sedates you, then numbs the area, then slices open the gums over the tooth (or doesn't if the tooth is exposed), then pliers go in to pull the tooth out a little bit. then the root is cut as close to the tooth as possible. then the tooth is pulled out further until it dislodges from the jaw, then the wound is stitched shut with absorbable stitches. it takes about a week to heal the wound completely. the jaw bone will fill in the hole left by the tooth in about 6 monthes.Health Question & Answer

I had mine removed when I was 21. The reason is because they were impacted, meaning that they were turned toward my other teeth. they took all of them at the same time. It took about a week or two to completely heal. Complications could have been open socket and/or infection. Neither happened to me because I did as they told me to do after getting home.Health Question & Answer

I had all of mine removed and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They put me under with some IV that they stuck in my hand, cut them out, and stitched me up. It didn't take long at all, maybe half an hour..although it felt like I was out for 5. haha. I looked like a chipmunk for a couple of days and then the swelling went down and they healed right up..maybe a week or two.? The only complication he told me about was dry socket...which is when the blood clots fall out and then you have a big sore hole back there. I didn't get it, but he told me absolutely no sucking or blowing of any kind, smoking, drinking out of a straw, blowing bubbles, that kinda thing. Hope everything goes as smoothly for you as it did for me. Hope I helped a little.Health Question & Answer

i didnt get any removed... but my sister in law did! they put her to sleep and cut her gums to remove the tooth. then they stich it up and u will be on a strict diet for a week! only soft foods! and u would be on a lot of pain medications. after a week u go back to the doctor and they remove your stiches :) good luckHealth Question & Answer

They usually pull them and then in a few days your fine. Only if the root of them are really long and deep do they have to surgically take them out. You have to be careful that you don't get an infection. All in all it's not that bad. Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

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