I want to get my second to the last tooth pulled (from the bacK) Is that a good idea since I wanna get braces?!

Question: I want to get my second to the last tooth pulled (from the bacK) Is that a good idea since I wanna get braces.?
Yes, because you need to have teeth out for braces anyway.

=]Health Question & Answer

be careful, it is true that SOMETIMES, the orthodontist needs to take some teeth out, yet these are what we call the "premolars"; i.e. the small bicuspid teeth directly after the canines. Sometimes taking a first molar - i.e. the first big molar after the 2 premolars- could be indicated, when it has big problems. However, taking out the second molar, which is usually the second to the last tooth has nothing to do with the ortho treatment, thus, try not to loose the tooth, unless necessary !

to give you a better idea here is a summery :
the teeth in every jaw
8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 are wisdom teeth
7 next to them = second to the last in our case
6 needed for ortho treatment and could rarely be removed when damaged instead of 4 or 5
4 or 5 candidates for taking out
3 canines
2 lateral incisors
1 incisors
Again note that not every ortho treatment needs teeth removal

good recovery

Health Question & Answer

It shouldnt matter. I still had two baby teeth before I got braces (strange I know) and the adult teeth were on the side. All they did was pull the two baby teeth and leave a spring in the gap so there would still be room for the adult teeth to come in. Although, if it is the adult tooth you are pulling that shouldnt matter either. They will probably just close the gap so you don't look like you are missing any teeth.Health Question & Answer

if you are going for braces and your orthodontist wants to pull out the teeth for braces and at the same time you are not able to get the tooth saved then it is better to get it extracted. if your braces can be given without extracting the tooth then try to save the tooth .For more information on dental topics you can visit www.identalhub.com. They have the facility for free dental consultattion by a dentist.Health Question & Answer

Yes, the orthodontist will probably suggest it anyway. I had 6 teeth pulled before i got my braces put on. Health Question & Answer

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