Strange dental problem, (maybe an infection,) please help?!

Question: Strange dental problem, (maybe an infection,) please help.?
Yesterday, the left side of my face started to swell, and my gums on that side became very sore and swollen. My teeth don't hurt, except the one I got a temporary cap on after I chipped it in mid-August (I don't think the dentist who put said cap on did a very good job), and the other side is fine. I'm not allergic to anything I eat, so I don't think it's an allergic reaction. I brush my teeth twice a day and have never had even a single cavity before, so I'm really puzzled here! My wisdom teeth are also still in, and I should get them removed soon, but they've never bothered me before either. Both the inside and outside of my upper lip are also swollen. I just started college, too, so I need to figure out how to get the healthcare I need on my own (I have insurance, though.) Any tips on either one of these problems would be a HUGE help.Health Question & Answer

You MUST see a dentist as SOON as you can.

You're right in thinking it might be an infection, it sounds exactly like what I had, which caused serious problems.

NEVER EVER be fooled by something 'NOT' hurting.

Three months ago, I woke up, with the left side of my face swollen like someone had tried to stuff a sponge in my left cheek.
There was NO pain, so I thought nothing of it (even though I could see I had a bad tooth), everything I'd read, and everything I'd been told from friends and so on, had said Dental abscesses HURT LIKE HELL.
This wasn't hurting all. Infact, there was no pain, just annoying swelling.

Second day, I woke up- it was larger, again. This time my gums were swollen, and it had started to work it's way down one side of my lip, and to my chin area. Still no pain.
At this stage, I was still petrified of the dentist, and was not going to go near one (and I hadn't for 9 years previous), unless it was starting to hurt.

Day three, still no pain whatsoever, but the swelling had moved down to my neck, and my whole left side was so swollen i could barley eat/drink or talk.

Still no pain, but I decided after some kind lady at my busstop said I needed to go see someone straight away about it. She'd had something similar.

I went, and the dentist couldn't fit me in that day, but told me to come at 6.30am the following morning for an emergency appointment. He ordered me to go have immediate xrays done at the local hopsital xray clinic, and then to grab a perscription for 500mg of Amoxycillin, (antibiotics) which I was to start immediatley.

The following day when he saw me, and he asked me about the 'no pain' thing, there was still none, and when he tapped my tooth- there was no pain even then (and apparantly it should've hurt like hell when he did that).

I had to have the tooth immediatley extracted, and drained then and there, with local anesthetic (which didn't hurt in the slightest), but he told me, after showing me the xray while I was still in the dentists chair, that my abscess, despite having no pain- had actually spread into the facial tissue, which caused all the swelling, and had actually started to eat away the bone in my jaw (my lower jaw), and on the xray he showed me the section, rather large section that was missing from my jaw, because it had been slowly eating away at it for a while, but had only started to cause serious problems.

With the symptoms I had, and the infection so far, he added that I would've been in hospital had I not gone to him that day, with either blood posioning or meningitis.
A single day longer.

Dental abscesses can be EXTREMLEY serious, don't let it get to that stage. A simple dentist visit and they'll be able to fix it.

Despite you not having any cavities, I'd still recommend going to see a dentist asap, because what you have sounds very much like a periapical abscess which has started to spread.
If it's an infected wisdom tooth, the same thing can happen, leading to a GUM (periodontal) abscess, which it could also be.

The fact that you think a dentist who put a 'cap' on the tooth may not have done it very well, could be the source of the problem, a chip on a tooth that reached the 'pulp' of the tooth (nerves) in the centre of the tooth may have been exposed to germs, which led to an infection, which is causing the abscess now.
A cap over something which may have just started to become infected would've caused problems, and perhaps may be what's causing the abscess now.

You really, really have to go see a dentist as soon as you can. Don't risk it.

They are very very serious things, don't think for a moment because there's no pain there wont be a big issue. Don't be like me (I was such an idiot for leaving it until the last minute).

Best of luck with it.

Health Question & Answer

its your wisdom teeth. mine did the same exact thing when they started coming in. my face swelled up on one side and my gums were swollen and eventually started filling up with fluid because they were getting infected. you gotta get them removed asapHealth Question & Answer

well if removing your wisdom teeth stops the pain... idk my teeth never have any problems so good luckHealth Question & Answer

From the symptoms you are telling it looks like as if your some tooth is infected. May be the tooth in which you got the temporary crown and which got chipped has got infected. So you have to visit your dentist, who will take the xray and will find out the cause. I am giving your link to very informative dental site which has lots of dental articles

You can also post your problem for free consultation on this website and believe me you will be answered by dentist. For this you can use the following link Question & Answer


As it may turn out, you chipped tooth probably got a minor (or not minor!) infection, like mine. My whole face swelled up and i looked like a retard. I went to the doctor and he pressed my lip and puss and blood came out, like gushing (Ew ew i threw up). I had to go to the hospital to get on an I.V. antibiotics for infection. I spent the night at the hospital, and they told me that my tooth was absessed (the tooth died pretty much)! I got a rootcanal which was painless, and now im all better.Health Question & Answer

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