I have a silver amalgam filling that I had done some years ago?!

Question: I have a silver amalgam filling that I had done some years ago.?

For the last few weeks it's been causing a very metallic taste in my mouth, and I've some pain in the tooth now and again also.

Does it need replacing.?

I'm not keen on dentists so I don't want to go unless I really need to. I do go for check-ups and cleaning every 6 months, which I don't mind. Next appt December though.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like part of it might have broken off which is very common in older amalgam fillings. If you're tasting something odd, chances are that the filling has opened up and does in fact need replacing.

Don't wait until your cleaning appt in December. If the filling has broken then you'll be allowing bacteria to get into the now open area. Once you get in to the dentist, they'll take a look and might take a PA (one xray) to make sure your tooth is not fractured or anything like that.

Your dentist will recommend that you get a "resin composite" which is a tooth colored filling. These should last at least 3-7 years depending on whether you grind or clench your teeth. They are strong and you don't notice them since they are set to match the color of the existing enamel. Most insurances will cover this as well.

Be prepared that if too much of your existing filling has fallen away, there may not be enough of your natural tooth left to prepare it for another filling, therefore, you may have to get a crown. That will all depend on what the structure of the natural tooth looks like when you get in there.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

It is possible that the filling has cracked and is in need of replacement. An exam and possibly an x-ray will determine if you need a new filling done. There are new composite materials that are a great option now and there is no need for silver fillings anymore.

btw not many people are keen on dentists but all should go 1 time per year to prevent really bad problems. Find them and fix them when they are small is my motto.Health Question & Answer

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