What exactly is a "deep" cleaning at the dentist as opposed to a regular cleaning?!

Question: What exactly is a "deep" cleaning at the dentist as opposed to a regular cleaning.?
I have a popcorn kernel stuck underneath my gum and am scheduled to go in for a deep cleaning. I'm scared because my mom has gingivitis and said that when she got her deep cleaning they had to give her shots to numb her mouth and that her mouth was sore for quite awhile afterwards.

My only issue is the damn popcorn kernel, so I'm wondering if my cleaning won't be as "bad" as my moms are.?

Has anyone underwent this before.? I do fine with regular cleanings but I'm scared about this deep cleaning!Health Question & Answer

A deep cleaning is a cleaning in which they will clean "deep" under your gums to remove tartar where you can't see or brush with a toothbrush. These types of cleanings are reserved for patients with periodontal disease and/or advanced gingivitis and deep pockets between your teeth and gums. Sometimes the cleaning could be painful due to the instrument's proximity to your sensitive roots/nerve therefore numbing shots can be used. A regular cleaning should get a kernel... unless you've got those aforementioned deep pockets. If your dentist didn't mention "periodontal disease" to you at the last appointment, don't fret too much. ... and keep flossing. Health Question & Answer

Yeah, I actually just got a deep cleaning done like a month ago. I think they might have numbed me but it wasn't bad at all. They just get down into the gums like with a pick thinger, didn't hurt at all. Didn't mind it and I HATE the dentist. You're fine, don't worry about it.Health Question & Answer

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