How do braces work? ?!

Question: How do braces work.? .?
I mean how do they hook to your teeth.? i'm so scared I need alot of answers because i'm getting them in 4 days. well when it comes to pain i think it might depend on how bad your teeth really are.... but seriously how does it work.? i'm only 12 and i'm a girl. but i also think when it comes to pain it depends if your a baby....Health Question & Answer


ok it doesnt hurt that bad, it will just get sore, just make sure not to eat hard foods.

they will put a thing in your mouth that will stretch our your mouth and lips so they can put it on. it may hurt a little bit on the sides of your mouth. the bracets (that look like this [] that you put the rubber bands on) get glued on to ur teeth, and then they attach the wire part and clip it on to your braces.

my advice: dont be scared or nervous. just go in and let the dentist do what they have to do. they will explain what they are doing.
i got braces 3 months ago and im 13. i was fine but the days before i was nervous. but when i went in i just listened to wat thy had to say.

the only bad part about braces is it can get sore when you first get it (take medicine) and it feels weird and they stuff they use to put it on has a NASTY taste.

GOOD LUCK!!!! =]

and if anyone who is reading this who had braces or knows a lot about them and the way they look PLZ PLZ PLZ answer mine THX!!!!!
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1st they clean your teeth just like they do when you have a cleaning done. Then they put this stuff called etch on your teeth...this opens the pores on your teeth and helps the glue stick better. Then they apply a little bit of glue to the bracket put it on your teeth in the right position and then they cure the glue(make the glue hard) with a blue light. They have to go over every bracket and band with the light so you ll be seeing a lot of it then your done with that part. With bands...the assistant will try different sizes of the bands around your tooth...we say its like finding a ring for your finger you have to find one that's not too loose or too tight. Then once all of that is done they put the wires in and depending on what kind of braces your getting you'll get the colors put on to keep the wire in place. hope that was helpful..Good luck its nothing to be nervous about and make sure you wear something comfortable you'll be in the chair for at least 1hr 30mins. Health Question & Answer

The brackets are glued onto your teeth with a special "tooth cement" and then a wire goes through all of them. A tiny little rubber band gets put on each individual bracket so that the wire stays on the bracket.Then every months, you go and get the little band chaged so that the dentist can tighten or losen each side to make your teeth move in the correct way.Health Question & Answer

The brackets (metal pieces) are glued onto your teeth with a special glue. It doesn't hurt when you get them off. It hurts when you get them on for a few days, but it's fine. Take an Advil or Motrin before you go.Health Question & Answer

they use this special cement that gets the color part on and get them tightened every monthHealth Question & Answer

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