I am having all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. What should I expect?!

Question: I am having all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. What should I expect.?
They are going to put me to sleep. The bottom two wisdom teeth grew in side ways under my gums so they have to cut me open. I'm nervous. What should I expect.?Health Question & Answer

i had all of mine out a few years ago under sedation not general and it was best thing i ever did, i felt so much better for it. 3 of mine were inside the gum and had to be cut out. first 24 hrs was a bit rough but after that wasnt too bad, u can expect pain obvoiusly but painkillers will help, u wont be able to eat much first so soup and milkshake will be on the menu, the top ones heal quicker than the bottom and i had to have my bottom ones packed as the cavities kept filling up with food which was a bit gross and they were painful but it didnt last too long and as i said best thing i did u will be well off without them. good luck.Health Question & Answer

I had all of my wisdom teeth pulled at once many years ago right in the Doctors office with just regular Novocaine and fortunately nothing as bad as yours sounds. But with today's pain control knowledge you'll do just fine.Yes you'll be sore for a few day's and you will not even know they were working on you unlike when mine was done. Good luck and not to worry as out side of a few uncomfortable day's you'll be back to normal and probably bragging how you had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at one time and watching their expressions.Health Question & Answer

aww... well everyone reacts differently. I got mine out in the spring. Yes they put you to sleep, but don't worry about that. When you wake up, you will be really disoreinted; I actually don't remember waking up or walking to the car with my parents, or riding home, or getting into bed. You will go right back to bed when you get home, and only wake up when woken up by your parents to switch your gauze out and take your pain meds and drink water every few hours. And you'll stay really disoriented, barely conscious for a couple days. I remember that on my second night home was thefirst time I was conscious when I woke up, the first time i was myself again. SO, ya, you're mouth will be stuffed with gauze because it takes a long time for your gums to actually stop bleeding. I got reallllly swolen, but i got all four of mine out, not just two like it sounds like you're getting done. Some people get bruising, but I didnt. I just looked like a very very poofy faced version of myself for.... about a week. Swelling goes down a little by little. OH and there's the eating thing. You won't be able to open your mouth very wide, even when you're swelling's gone and you have an appetite for real food again. I'd say a week and a half til you have nearly full jaw range again. but in all honesty, it's not too bad. just annoying, lol.Health Question & Answer

After little discomfort, happy days are ahead for you.Health Question & Answer

dont be nervous it will be over before you know it but youll be sore afterward but dont eat for a whileHealth Question & Answer

but just take your pills as needed adn youll be fine its only for the first couple of days that the pain lastHealth Question & Answer

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