I went to the dentist yesterday and I have a question.?!

Question: I went to the dentist yesterday and I have a question..?
I went to the dentist and the dentist told me that I had a dry mouth and thick siliva. She started then naming all these illneses and I do not think I have anything. I am married and I am 27 years old and I have never had a health issue. I do not feel like I have dry mouth. I mean wouldn't I know if I was having severe dry mouth. I get the occasional dry mouth but that is normal. She kind of worried me. Is dry mouth and thick siliva something serious to see in a patient.? Health Question & Answer

It is not uncommon for someone to have a dry mouth or thick saliva. some people produce alot of saliva, others not as much. If it was something that your dentist thought needed to be looked into further she would have told you, or referred you to a doctor.Health Question & Answer

No not really serious. Use xylitol mouth sprays or mints to help with dry mouth (buy online. Xylitol is a natural sugar that helps prevent cavities and helps with dry mouth).Health Question & Answer

If it concerns you..you should see a regular DR for an opinion. I have no idea why a dentist or their hygienist would bring up such a subject.Health Question & Answer

Never heard of it. You might just have one of those dentists that want your money. I would consider getting a new one.Health Question & Answer

He probably mentioned this to you to warn you of the problems associated with dry mouth. The saliva in your mouth works by cleansing the teeth and tissue during the day keeping them constantly wet. During the night the saliva production is reduced greatly but is still enough to keep the mouth moist or as most of us know, there is enough to cause you to drool on your pillow. This saliva production, along with brushing and flossing is what keeps your teeth and tissue healthy and decay free.

If you suffer from "dry mouth" it means that you have less saliva production than normal which can cause havoc with your teeth and tissue. This means that your teeth and tissue aren't constantly being washed with the normal flow of saliva that cleanses them throughout the day. This "lack of saliva" can cause excessive bacteria and plaque build up which is what causes decay to develop. The lack of saliva can also cause tissue recession to develop which will lead to tooth brush abrasion.

At 27 years old with no medical history to evaluate or to help determine the cause of this condition, is odd.

Dry mouth is usually caused by medication or a combination of medication. Even when they are over the counter medications; Benadryl and other decongestants have been known to cause dry mouth.

You may want to discuss this with your medical doctor or better yet, take a look at what over the counter medications you may be taking with out considering them to be a cause. Start by looking at the side effects of any medication you may be taking to make sure it won't cause dry mouth.

Hope I've cleared up why your dentist was concerned about this condition and made you aware of the consequences of this condition.

Additional information: Your main concern with dry mouth should be with keeping your teeth well brushed and flossed (especially after meals) to prevent any plaque from building up which would normally be reduced with saliva. If you are producing less saliva, which aids to clean the teeth, then you will need to keep a closer watch and take better care of your teeth and tissue to adjust for this condition.Health Question & Answer

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