A gap between my front teeth? What do you think?!

Question: A gap between my front teeth.? What do you think.?
I have a gap between my front teeth and I think it's awkward... like Elton John does... I want to change it somehow but whenever I go to the dentist, he says that my teeth are perfectly healthy and there's no need to change anything (that's also what my parents say). Still, I think it looks stupid.
Are there any ways to change it (I'm not talking about putting a tic tac between my teeth, anyways, it won't fit lol).? And do you think it looks awkward/stupid, or does it even matter.?
ThanksHealth Question & Answer

As long as your teeth are healthy and straight, you are very lucky.

However, when you are old enough and it still bothers you, you can check with a cosmetic dentist. There are ways to close the gap or to reduce its size. However, anything that causes you to have teeth filed down may very well cause you pain and trouble in later years.

.?_adv_prop=image&va=Lauren+Hutton&sz=all">http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/im... Here are many pictures of Lauren Hutton with the gap in her teeth. She was very successful as a model and refused to change the gap.

http://www.luckygap.co.uk/content/view/5... Elton John's gap. Would you believe that in all the years of reading about and seeing Elton John perform on TV, I never once noticed the gap.?

Try not to obsess over this. People around you probably don't even see it any more.

If they comment on this, poo on them.

Health Question & Answer

You need to go to another dentist then. My dentist would say something about it not dismiss it. He does so in order to keep that perfect smile all the time, he's all about making sure everyone has that smile. What's happening is your teeth are beginning to separate in the front. Mine are beginning to do that, but I do not want a Madonna smile really. What you need is a retainer. Go to another dentist who would be wanting to work with you about a retainer. The retainer you can use while you sleep at night or if you are not doing anything at home for a few hours. It's not something you have to wear all the time like out in public. Dentists don't torture anyone like that anymore. Your parents are just saying nice things maybe because they do not want to spend the money on teeth. Teeth are expensive to maintain. Almost just as bad as general health, like going to the doctor. So yeah that is what I am doing is getting a retainer to close up the gap in my front teeth! I'm only using it at night while I sleep. Health Question & Answer

its okay. aslong as your teeth arent crooked and yellow. i bet you people sont even notice.Health Question & Answer

ask the dentist next time you go if you can get braces to close that up.Health Question & Answer

meh it doesnt matter aslong as ur teeth are healthy Health Question & Answer

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