I had my wisdom teeth out, and I haven't eaten for 92 hours. Is this ok?!

Question: I had my wisdom teeth out, and I haven't eaten for 92 hours. Is this ok.?
I had my impacted wisdom teeth out on Thursday morning, and it went really well. There was no pain, apart from a few hours after the operation, but that disappeared with painkillers. My cheeks have swollen a lot, so I can't eat anything decent. My last meal was on Wednesday evening. I've been eating soft chewy candy (like starburst), which I tear up, throw in my mouth, and eat like a seagull, which seems to do the trick. I've had one 180g bag per day, and I've also been drinking chocolate milk, and regular milk.

But apart from that, I've had nothing to eat. I tried a few teaspoons of soup, but it's just a huge mess, and I can't swallow, so it just ends up plastered around my mouth, and down the front of my chin. So I called that off.

Anyway, it's now Sunday evening. I feel fine, not even too hungry, and I've only lost 3 kilos or so (I'm usually 70kg, I'm now 66 to 67). Is this ok.? I'm sure the swelling will go down soon, this is just about diet. Are there any side effects of eating only candy and milk for 100 hours.? Should my swelling have gone down at all.? Thanks for any help.Health Question & Answer

You should make sure and drink plenty of fluids during your recovery process. You certainly don't want to become dehydrated! It's not really a good idea to survive off of nothing but Starbursts and milk...so hopefully you can manage to eat something soon.

When I had my wisdom teeth out, I drank those "instant breakfast" shakes, which is basically like chocolate milk with extra vitamins...that way it's liquidy and goes down easily, but you still get the nutrition that your body needs to keep going.

The swelling should start to go down soon, but if you're still concerned about it or it doesn't seem to be getting better, call your dentist just to make sure that your healing process is going okay.

Best of luck and hope you can eat soon! Take it easy...Health Question & Answer

when I had my wisdom teeth out I slept and took pain pills for about 4 days straight just make sure you drink pleanty of water and talk to your doctor or dentist if you dont eat after 5 days. Some people fast for religious or personal reasons I think sometimes up to a week..(maybe more) I think you'll be ok. Health Question & Answer

You should go back to the dentist. You should have been prescribed tablets for swelling. Dangerous to have lost that weight so quickly. One or two days are more than enough. Don't starve yourself. See the dentist right away. Be careful you won't get infection for lack of nutritious food.Health Question & Answer

I got all my wisdom teeth out at the beginning of the year.

While I had no pain, I couldn't eat!

Just eat what you can, swelling will go down slowly, 2 weeks later it should all be gone!

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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