I keep getting random sores in my mouth HELP?!

Question: I keep getting random sores in my mouth HELP.?
First it started off with a weird grayish greenish little dot in the back of my mouth by a tooth. Then I got one by my cheek and I just noticed another one thats on my upper gum but its white. And the one on my cheek was red. i brush my teeth twice daily like your supposed to sometimes more and I use mouthwash and I do smoke. Ive been checked for STD's before and its came back negative for anything.And my boyfriends already been tested since we got back together and he was negative. What could be the reason for me sprouting a rainbow in my mouth!.?Health Question & Answer

You should go to the oral surgeon and have him test for mouth cancer. I've seen many people that are positive for mouth cancer that don't smoke. Please get it checked soon. You might want to be tested for oral herpes if you haven't been tested any time soon too. Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a Canker Sore. I think you usually get those because of something in your diet, I think its acid..So if you're eating alot of acid stuff that could be why youre getting them. Like tomatoes, pineapple stuff like that.. They have stuff you can buy and put on them. You may want to try drinking more water. Health Question & Answer

You should get a consult from your family doc or an ENT doc or maybe a dentist. Some medications you would not suspect can cause this. While waiting for an answer hold a tsp of regular 2% peroxide in your mouth for a whole minute four times a day....don't rinse your mouth out afterward.In about a week you may see improvement.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a canker sore. Its a small ulcer. Its an immune thing. Its not something you can pass to your boyfriend. Triggers are stress and foods with a lot of acid.

Walgreens has a mouthwash you can use to make them go away faster. Health Question & Answer

If it is the more common canker sores you would likely have some nutritional deficiencies --which are exasserbated by irritants like colas, sodas, juice, coffee, spicy foods, toothpaste, mouthwash and tobacco. The main ones (vitamins & minerals) you are lacking are zinc, iron, folic acid (part of B vitaim family) B1 B2 B6 B9 & B12. (This is fairly common among the smoking population--so you may want to consider tapering off, or quitting altogether.

Good quality whey--the types atheletes use (found at health food stores, etc.) with help deal with the acid, and enhance/improve your immune system. A high quality B complex such as Swiss Floradix Multi-B vitim plus iron, which is a liquid, taken daily, tastes good. Once open store it in the fridge. While at the health food store perhaps get a tube of Tom's toothpaste (not cinamon) or some bulk baking soda & use that for a few weeks to get way from your current toothpaste & mouth wash. Buy also some Celtic sea salt while your at the Health Food store. Gargle 2 to 3 times a day with boiled water cooled to quite warm mixed with a teapoon of sea salt.
also use this salt in place of reg. salt in your diet

There are several other types of sores such as Oral Herpes, Candita Albicans (yeast overgrowth) thrush, & other sores can be cancerous in origin, if your smoking--that is unfortunately somewhat of a possibility. I am not saying this to be cruel in any way--but smoking is like giving a ticket to a range of cancers & inviting them to your body. Depending on your body's limit you may get any one of several deseases, or cancer as a result of smoking now, or in the future. This episode may not be too serious, or it could be an early warning of a condition that will lead to cancer if left untreated!

Judging by your description it sounds like a condition called Luekoplakia, which is described as either greyish or white. It is caused soley by tobacco, and is a pre-cancerous condition--that is to say left untreated will become cancerous, so get into see a dermatologist a.s.a.p. If you live in the U.S.A. & don't have access to healthcare easily, you may try a good dentist--but you may end up getting referred to a specialist as I suggested.

I favour naturopaths--if they have the longer training of at least 4 years. Some Chiropractors claim to Naturopaths after taking a 3 month long mail order course--so do check the credentials of any natural practioner thoroughly! Same with Accupunture. It should take 3 years after pre-med, or other medical training--not a few months.

There are other possible causes such as diabetes, lupus--which is an autoimmune disorder, and even biting the inside of your cheek, braces dental appliances such as partials, or dentures.

The main symptomology to be concerned with is if you have had this for more than 2 weeks.? If so--get professional treatment. You need a diagnosis from a dermatologist--or a dental surgeon, who can determine if it is a simple canker sore, or something more serious. Do not let fear prevent you from acting. Paralysing fear may prevent you from taking action that will at least make you feel better, and may even possibly save your life.

The supplements recommended are good for any immune condition--from canker sores to something more serious. You have to love yourself enough too to quit smoking. It is difficult, but accupuncture can make it a lot easier. If that is out of your buget try hops--make a tea, or buy the capsules, & it will reduce your desire to smoke. Ask someone there (health food store) what else they have to help you quit smoking--no doubt much healthier, and safer than nicotine patches & gum.

If possible, please let me know how you are doing & if you tried some of these suggestions-- I am sure they will help! Start with reg. salt & warm water rinsing, & use baking soda to brush your teeth. Avoid the things like colas, & juice. Take whey & B vitamins. Print this out & take it with you to the health store. Take care!Health Question & Answer

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