What to do when insurance wont cover anesthesia for a 4 yr old?? Please help?!

Question: What to do when insurance wont cover anesthesia for a 4 yr old.?.? Please help.?
We have full coverage and wonderful dental for our 4yr old.. However she needs some extensive dental work that NEEDS to be done on her back teeth. She is now starting to complain that she cant chew her food because of the pain. The dentist told me after filling 2 cavities (that took 2 hours) that it was just too hard for her to sit still and keep her mouth open.

Anesthesia for all of her work to be done, would be in the $2500-$3000 range. We simply can not afford this and dont know what to do. Can the dentist turn us away if I say I dont want her to go under- we will have to keep doing what we were doing, till everything is fixed.?Health Question & Answer

Please let me know where I can make $2500-3000 for anesthetizing a child for dental work! I can really use that kind of money. My estimate would be about 1/4 of that for a total dental rehabilitation, which we do routinely where I work.

I agree with finding a pediatric dentist. Check with your health insurance to see if they will cover the anesthesia. You may have to make a lot of phone calls, and whine and complain a bit, but you might get them to cover it - especially if you can get your pediatrician to write a letter explaining that her dental problems are causing eating problems. It's worth a try.

The next step is to call the anesthesia people where the work will be done and ask if they'll cut you a deal. We usually offer good discounts for patients who pay cash up front. Not having to deal with the insurance company is worth it.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Ask your dentist about giving her nitrous. It is a gas (not harmful) that will relax her. My dentist charges $50 and that payment is good for one year. If your dentist doesn't offer nitrous, I would suggest finding one that does! Health Question & Answer

ask your dentist about "conscious Sedation" it is better for young children. they have no memory of the procedure.Health Question & Answer

WOW...The dentist did oral conscious sedation for my 4 yr old. It was $150 as insurance does not cover it. However, she told me that to knock the kid out will cost $1000 which is very different than your quote and I live in CA. also two hours for 2 cavities seems extremely SLOW. My son had a baby root canal, stainless steel crowns fitted, and two cavities filled in less than an hour. I went in a bit after 8am and it took about 20 minutes for the sedation to kick in and I was out of that office around 9am.

I will go to another pedo. A pedo works really, really fast and is more aware of how to deal with children. You don't want your child traumatized by the dentist. My boy vaguely remembered what happened during the procedure.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

When I took my four year old to the regular dentist they instantly referred us to a child dentist & it was the best move I could have made. The pediatric dentist's are so much better with kids & get the work done soooo much faster (15 minutes for 2 caps). My son had conscious sedation & it only cost me $200. It's a lot less scary for them to have that then full sedation too. I would definitely recommend seeing a pediatric dentist. Not just for the experience that they have with children but for the speed of the procedure too. I don't know what state you're in but if it's in Cali. then the dentist that we use if www.silverstardental.com. Good luck with your little star! : )Health Question & Answer

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