Help!! Aching Gums that just started... again.?!

Question: Help!! Aching Gums that just started... again..?
I have strong gum ache which starts in the lower right gum then moves to the upper gum then to the jaw bone (the one that connects to the the skull) and then eventually settles over my eye and feels like a migraine and the only way it calms down abit is when I move my jaw and massage the right side of my face, the pain mainly happens at night or when lying down which means a lack of sleep for me.
The first time I experienced this I was in a plane then it stopped for a while and now it came back even worse, the weird thing is, when it does come back, it comes back when I menstruate.
I had some fillings done a few weeks before it all started, should I have them removed.? oh and inbetween the pain sessions I hear a little click in my left hear.
I know all this sounds weird but which specialist should I go see.? an endodontist.? a periodontist.? and is there anything I can take in the meantime that'll help with the pain until I can get to see a specialist.? painkillers do not work at all even the strong ones, the only thing it does is make me drowsy.Health Question & Answer

this is dental related, but almost certainly NOT to the recent fillings.

I think you have TMJ. The dentist can give you something for the pain, but i am not sure it can be fully eleiminated.

But call the dentist, tell them about the pain, and the clicking.
Ask what they can recommend, etc. If you should come back in to the dentist, or go to some other specialist.

Most of the regular pain killers won't help. very sorry.
the dentist can also see if it might be something else.
i am sure if you also had infected sinuses, the doc could tell.

will give you a LOT more info

FOR PAIN ( till you see the doc)

While conventional analgesic pain killers such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) or NSAIDs provide initial relief for some sufferers, the pain is often more neuralgic in nature, which often does not respond well to these drugs.[15]

An alternative approach is for pain modification, for which off-label use of low-doses of Tricyclic antidepressant that have anti-muscarinic properties (e.g. Amitriptyline or the less sedative Nortriptyline) generally prove more effective.[1Health Question & Answer

go to a normal dentist. i had the same thing after a really deep filling. the tooth had to be pulled because it had gone rotten.
u should get this checked out. if it is rotten, if you leave it too long, it could form an abcess, an abcess can affect your brain if it gets too big.
if it is rotten it can also cause surrounging teeth and bone to rott too. sometimes you can also get blood poisoning.Health Question & Answer

none of the above if it is migraine - maybe neurologist - migraine doctor. lirelt is a great migraine pill. or your F**n dentist who did that to you(.?)Health Question & Answer

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