I am in 8th grade, and I still have 5 baby teeth?!

Question: I am in 8th grade, and I still have 5 baby teeth.?
am i still a 'baby'.?....................................Health Question & Answer

Well get and ex-ray of your teeth. Sometimes they don't have the adult teeth under them. I still have a few baby teeth, and a couple wisdom teeth are not there under the gums. Don't let them yank it out. That is what a good dentist would recommend. Wait for an ex-ray. If they do have adult teeth, make a plan on what they think will happen if they take the teeth out. If not don't get them pulled. You want to keep the baby teeth as healthy as possible. Then if you can, you can get them yanked, but then get a rod put in, at the end of the rod it looks exactly like a real tooth. No one can tell the diff between them. You may have to wair braces so they are all aligned perfectly, but the process will be a good one. You won't have problems after that.Health Question & Answer

Nah.... don't worry too much. Your teeth have NOTHING to do with who you are (unless you have like green and yellow teeth with holes and cavities... then it makes you look like you don't take care of yourself). When I was in eighth (now a sophomore) I had like four baby teeth left. But I just waited until they got loose... or until the dentist says they need to come out.

Just chill... it'll all be good. : ]

PS- just cause it's not loose NOW doesn't mean it won't be loose like in a month or so.Health Question & Answer

my daughter was the same and so long as your adult teeth are beneath them its not a problem.did you get your teeth late as a baby or toddler.it could be that.i dont think its anything to worry about.we are all different.Health Question & Answer

definitely not a good sign. it doesnt mean you are a baby though. you just need to wait until they fall out. if they dont soon then you should talk with your dentist about your optionsHealth Question & Answer

I had the same problem as you. I was 12 (I'm 13 now) and had to get my last 5 baby teeth out, and they were molars- and one was a loose fronter tooth.I wasn't having any anxiety about getting them out, because I think I was still in shock that I had to get them out. Anyways, I remember they had to give me double or triple the times of normal shots- because I could feel after the first shot. I remember hearing cracking, and I could feel them trying to move one around (I couldn't feel the pain) and then that was out in 5-10 minutes. The next one was a loose baby tooth (in the front) and that went out within 10 seconds. The other molars were, for some reason, hard to get out- but they got them both out within 30 minutes.

I didn't care about getting my teeth yanked out, because, like you, I could never get them to fall out on their own. So I was used to it. The only reason I had to have my 5 taken out is because the other teeth were right there, trying to come in. And if they didn't take the teeth out, we would've had a big (expensiver) mess.

And, no, you're not a baby.

? Jordyn ?Health Question & Answer

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