I'm wondering about ulcers and wisdom teeth...?!

Question: I'm wondering about ulcers and wisdom teeth....?
ULCERS: Two days ago I noticed an ulcer on my tongue. I didn't care because I sometimes bite my tongue and get ulcers after, but I didn't remember biting my tongue. Now today I have 5 ulcers, the tongue one and four on my bottom lip. They aren't big at all, the size on a pin prick. I only noticed them because I ate a lemon and it hurt. so I looked in the mirror and noticed the 4 white dots. is it even ulcers.? I am wondering what could cause me so many ulcers.? Is it something to see my doctor about.? do you go to a doctor for ulcers or a dentist.? I was doing some research on why you get ulcers, but I'm still unsure. I have ruled out herpes, it shouldn't be that, however my sister has had a huge oral herpes breakout before from just a quick kiss goodbye to a friend when she was 3. 14years ago. So if its that easy who knows. I also haven't been feeling stressed so I don't know if that is it.
The only thing it could be i think is a deficiency in B12 because I do not eat land animals, but I do tend to make sure I make up for my b12 in soy products taken with vitamin C. Another thing is I have been losing weight over a 10 month period I have lost 32kgs, it says fast weight loss can be it, but that time frame for that amount of weight loss isn't classed as fast weight loss. So anyway if there is anymore info you might need to ask do. Should I go to my doctor.?

Now WISDOM TEETH: I have never had pain associated with my bottom wisdom teeth coming through, but I wonder if it is normal for your gums to be covering half your wisdom teeth as they come through.? how long do they stay like that if they are supposed to at all.? If it isn't normal should I go to a dentist even if there is no pain.?Health Question & Answer

You can go both to the doctor and dentist. You might have been using the mouth rinse to much. Your mouth sores (ulcers) may be caused by your oral health or by your stomach. You can start seeing the professional help you choose.
Since your going to your dentist have your regular cleaning and check ups.And ask the dentist opinion about your 3rd molar. If the eruption was interrupted by the adjacent 2nd molar or it is wedge on the angle of your jaw, a gingiva (gum) will be covering half the molar and which may not be affected in chewing your food or speech. It may stay this way for quite awhile until caries will grow on the tooth from accumulated food debris. Then a procedure will be needed according to your dentist advice.Health Question & Answer

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