Is a dental checkup/cleaning every 6 months excessive?!

Question: Is a dental checkup/cleaning every 6 months excessive.?
It seems I end up paying $150. or so for x-rays and a dental checkup/cleaning every time I go. I have friends who might go to the dentist every 3 or 4 years and they get by fine. If someone has great oral hygiene, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink soft drinks, and eats very little sugar, why get a dental checkup/cleaning every 6 months.?Health Question & Answer

A recall should be determined by the state of the patient's oral health. If you haven't had any carious lesions in the past few years, have good oral hygeine and no gum or other issues, then, in our office, you would be seen every 12 months for an examination and cleaning and we would take x-rays every other year. Your doc should be suiting the recalls to the patient and not just something arbitrary. Health Question & Answer

From your description, you seem to be someone at low risk for dental disease. And while every 6 months isn't necessarily excessive, for YOU it may be. Take for instance: In the Air Force, their folks are seen every 12 months unless they have an ongoing problem that needs regular maintenance such as: Individuals with a high risk of getting cavities are seen every 6 months; Periodontal disease patients are seen perhaps every 3 or 4 months). And these time periods are determined based on the needs of the patient ONLY-- because the Air Force dentists don't get paid "per patient". It would waste valuable time and money to have people coming in twice a year that have good hygiene and don't need it. Hopefully with that info you can decide what's best for you- and keep flossing! Health Question & Answer

if you want that your gums remain healthy for long and you have healthy teeth then you should go for 6 monthly check up. in those check ups if you are having any hidden cavities they can be detected easily on time. for more information on dental topics and free dental consultation you can visit following link
http://www.identalhub.comHealth Question & Answer

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