I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday and...?!

Question: I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday and....?
I was wondering what are the chances of the oral surgeon hitting the nerve right under the bottom two wisdom teeth and causing my lip and chin to then become numb for the rest of my life.?
The doctor said that this is a "rare" instance... but I don't want a numb lip/chin!!! (It wont be paralyzed-just numb)

also... How bad is the pain after wards.?
I'm just pretty nervous and dont deal w/pain, medicine, surgery very well..Health Question & Answer

My sister-in-law just had all four of her wisdom teeth pulled out this past weekend and she was a little nervous. The doctor did mention the nerve under the teeth, but it would not be a major factor in the surgery. The oral surgeon rest assured that the nerve would not be affected.

She was in pain after her surgery, but they gave her Ibuprofen and painkillers to ease the pain. There will be times where small amounts of blood will mix with your saliva, just wipe it off, its normal, don't freak out.Try not to strain yourself as blood may rush to your head and put stress on the nerves that are healing. Get some rest (Try to rest not lying down but seated and comfortable), drink all the liquids that they recommend, and enjoy that top notch medicine (painkillers) they will be giving you.

Good Luck! Health Question & Answer

I can't tell you the odds of that, but they're not high. When I had it done, the doctor said they could be numb for up to 6 months, but I never heard about it happening for the rest of my life.
Something different happened to me though, the right half of my tongue was numb and lost ability to taste on that side for about 6 months.
The pain is tolerable, and doesn't last long UNLESS you get a dry socket, which means the blood clot comes out of the hole where your tooth was, and that is excruciating, and doesn't heal quickly. Take their advice and don't drink from straws afterward, and don't eat anything chewy, which my suck that clot out.
If you're careful and don't get a dry socket, you'll be fine in a day or 2.Health Question & Answer

my pain after I got my wisdom teeth out was not unbearable with the ibuprofen 600mg and Lortabs the surgeon gave me. what hurt the most was opening my mouth to try to eat. also, the front half of my tongue was numb for about a week after I got all four of my wisdom teeth out, but it went away. I had it done July 25 2008 and I still have a little bit of tenderness on one side if I smile too much. but I'm willing to deal with the pain if it means I'm smiling :)Health Question & Answer

I'd say its highly unlikely that it would be numb forever, my surgeon didn't even bring that up.
as for the pain..from my experience, I'd didn't feel anything for an hour or so --so I made the mistake of not taking the pain med right away and it started to hurt a lot. The first day was the worst..the pain med weren't working for me and it was so hard for me to sleep. The next couple of days I just stayed in bed.
Don't worry too much though, it'll be over you know it. =) Health Question & Answer

Gee I'm past 40 and thought I gathered pretty much all dentist horror stories available, but this one is new to me. chances must be extremely rare.

BTW, I had 2 wisdom teeth pulled out not too long ago and it was less then half as bad as I expected. You get painkillers and you'll be fine, believe me.Health Question & Answer

Omg! I'm getting mine out this Friday too!! We can be wisdom teeth buddies and go through the pain together, hahaha!

I'm worried about that too..but I'm trying not to think about it.Health Question & Answer

It all depends on how healthy you are and how much you stress won't help stress makes you more sensative to pain just do as they tell you and you will do fineHealth Question & Answer

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