I had 4 wisdom teeth out this morning and one had a cyst. Can anyone tell me about it?!

Question: I had 4 wisdom teeth out this morning and one had a cyst. Can anyone tell me about it.?
Hello kind Y!Answers people.Well, you saw my question.
I'm 17.5, female, and in otherwise good health. The oral surgeon didn't tell me anything about it, and he only mentioned it to my mom. Apparently they're sending "it" or part of "it" away somewhere for some sort of testing. I've tried looking online but haven't found very much to help me. Most sites explain in complicated terms what they are, or how/what they're formed from, but none of it actually means anything to me. Is it cancerous.? They didn't use the word "tumor" but "cyst", but in any case I am 98% sure it isn't cancer. Do they reoccur.? I know you can't say if there's permanent damage or anything specific to my case, but can anyone help in general.? I've viewed at least seven websites but most only devote the same sentence or two to the issue. Wikipedia gave more "quantity" of information but nothing that helped me. See what it said.?
"Histologically a normal dental follicle is lined by enamel epithelium, whereas a dentigerous cyst is lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Since the dentigerous cyst develops from follicular epithelium it has more potential for growth, differentiation and degeneration than a radicular cyst. Occasionally the wall of a dentigerous cyst may give rise to a more ominous mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Due to the tendency for dentigerous cysts to expand rapidly, they may cause pathological fractures of jaw bones.

The usual radiographic appearance is that of a well-demarcated radiolucent lesion attached at an acute angle to the cervical area of an unerupted tooth. The border of the lesion may be radiopaque. The radiographic differentiation between a dentigerous cyst and a normal dental follicle is based merely on size. Radiographically, a dentigerous cyst should always be differentiated from a normal dental follicle. Dentigerous cysts are the most common cysts with this radiographic appearance."
I am an intellegent person and I know what a good deal of medical terms mean, but the majority of that left me feeling more confused than before.

Help, translation, or personal experience would all be very much appreciated. Thank you!Health Question & Answer

The cyst associated with tooth development can be either of the ones you have described. The main thing to be concerned with is 1. What type.? and 2. How big. and 3. Did the surgeon get it all.? They took it out with your tooth and sent it to a pathology lab to biopsy it or find out what kind of cells are in the lining. Once they find out what kind of cyst it is then they can let you know if there is anything more to worry about. Until then just relax and heal up. By the way, it is a good thing that they found it and took it out. Health Question & Answer

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