What happens if my tooth doesn't come in?!

Question: What happens if my tooth doesn't come in.?
A few years ago, I had a tooth pulled. It didn't come in, so I had a surgical procedure in which the surrounding gum was cut off so a bracket could be attached to the tooth. A special wire was attached to the bracket, which is supposed to be continuously pulling that tooth down. Well, the tooth isn't coming in, and it's been almost two months. I had the same procedure done on another tooth, which is coming in just fine! I'm worried that the tooth is attached to the bone, which can happen in rare instances. What do they do for that.? Do you get surgery.? Health Question & Answer

if your tooth fused to the bone they will just leave it alone. But i'm sure your tooth just taking it's time. Maybe it was deeper in than the other one.
If you worry about it ask your dentist to take an x-ray of it.Health Question & Answer

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