Can you see where i have a cavity filled?!

Question: Can you see where i have a cavity filled.?
i have to have some cavities filled tommorrow and they said they fill them with white now..idk.. does that mean you wont be able to tell that i have them filled or what..also is it very painful.? they are gonna give me some kind of gas, what ever thats gonna do..Health Question & Answer

The white fillings should be virtually invisible depending on their location and the color of your teeth naturally. Most likely no one will have a clue that you have white fillings. If the cavities were caught early and they don't have to do a lot of drilling you shouldn't experience much pain. However, if the cavity is severe, you will see that they drill a lot and that may hurt. They will give you a local anesthetic and the gas will really help. They gave me gas for my wisdom teeth extractions and it was really funny. You will be totally willing to sit there and let them mess around in your mouth. You will be so out of things that it wont bother you at all. Good luck with it all. It happens to everyone and there is nothing to stress about.Health Question & Answer

i had 9 cavities...=[
and i have 1 silver and all the rest are white...

with the silver of course when you open your mouth wide they arre going to be seen ...
but with white fillings no your not going to be able to see them...
but now if someone stares in your mouth then
but you cant tell they are there!

and about being painful..the worst part is the shot they use to numb the tooth they are going to fill..

i used the gas when i got mine filled.. and it was a smooth ride from there =]Health Question & Answer

the filling is a tooth colored filling called composite that they will match the shade to your teeth's shade so you won't have a mouth full of silver colored fillings. Request gas if you want it, it will just relax you, thats all.
They will numb you up after the gas has taken its course. Piece of cake. Don't worry about it.Health Question & Answer

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