Could my toothpaste be causing this?!

Question: Could my toothpaste be causing this.?
I have been using a whitening toothpaste and I just noticed that four of my front teeth are changing colors. The bottom half is all splotchy while the top is their normal color. I've had to switch toothpastes before because it irritated my gums, could this toothpaste effect my teeth like this.?

Please help because I'm terrified of the dentist and I'd sooner pluck the teeth out of my own head then walk into that hell. But, I don't think I have any cavities. I brush and floss regulary.

could me being lactose intolerant effect this because I don't consume enough calcium.? If so, I'll go pop a few caltrates right now if it means not going to the dentist sooner than necessary.

Oh, God please don't let it be cavities.Health Question & Answer

This is not an effect of your toothpaste.
Sometimes the tips of teeth stick out below the lip and get dehydrated after a while. This can cause a colour difference. It is most noticeable in the morning if you breathe thru your mouth at night.
Perhaps you've been looking more critically at your teeth since starting the whitening toothpaste, and haven't noticed the difference before.
It has absolutely nothing to do with calcium deficienciy or lactose intolerance. Your teeth are not bone, nor can you alter them in any way by taking systemic medicines.Health Question & Answer

Well, did you brush the splotchy spots that much.? The whitening might have just whitened the tops, and the bottoms stayed unwhitened. That's really all I can think of.Health Question & Answer

if you are really worried about it, go to the dentist. its really not that bad.Health Question & Answer

there are several different things it could be

all of which need to be treated by ur dentist if you dont want to loose ur teeth.

im leaning towards decalcification. and taking caltrates may help with the initial cause the damage to the teeth is done and u need to see the dentist.

Why not find a a laser dentistry centre or a dentist that has happy gas.?

If you are comfortable with ur current dentist you need to find one u are comfortable with.

good luck feel free to msg if you need any more helpHealth Question & Answer

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