What do the orthodontists do when you get your braces tightened?!

Question: What do the orthodontists do when you get your braces tightened.?
I've had braces for about a month and my first tightening is coming up soon. so i wanted to know what they do. Most of my friends have power chains so they forgot how they tighten them.Health Question & Answer

--First they will take the bands off of the brackets on the bottom and top, or whichever part of the mouth they are working on. (Sometimes they don't tighten them all at once depending what they are working on.)
--Then they take the wire that wraps around all of your teeth off. This will just leave the brackets and braces on your teeth.
--They will cut a new piece of wire to fit your teeth. Then they'll slide it in the brackets around your back teeth, and just fit it around all of your teeth.
--Then you [might] be able to pick a color of bands that they put on the braces, and they put it on.

Congratulations! You are now done.Health Question & Answer

They take off the little colored rubberbands, then take off the wire. You sit in the chair for a couple of minutes, while you wait for the orthodontist to see you. Then, he or she will tell the assistant what to do. Usually, they'll put in a tighter wire, and then you'll get to pick a new color, and get that on. Hope this helps to prepare you!Health Question & Answer

I found that each new wire hurt for less time than the one before.

They don't really 'tighten' anything. They put a stronger (thicker) wire across the brackets. That moves the teeth to the desired position.Health Question & Answer

they change the wire and do what they did when you first got braces.
it also depends on the situation of your teeth and how theyre going to deal with itHealth Question & Answer

same here!
let me know when u get some answers(:Health Question & Answer

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