Hello! I was just curious if anyone knows that if I went on an all vegetable diet, would I lose weight?!

Question: Hello! I was just curious if anyone knows that if I went on an all vegetable diet, would I lose weight.?
I really need & would like to lose around 80 lbs by April 2009. I have been doing this diet called "Accu Weight Loss'' diet since August 25th of this year (that's 20 days) & have already lost 20lbs & 7 inches off my waste. So obviously its working but it is extremely hard! It consists of following an extremely strict dairy/veggie food protocol & can only eat between 12p.m-6p.m. Now the diet is fantastic and have know people personally who have lost tons of weight on this, in very little amount of time. I just don't know if I can be that strong, I have been going on a month now, but I am starting to feel a little on edge. Sooooooo with all that being said, does anyone know if one can lose a lot of weight by just eating veggies.?.? I excercise about hour & half 5days a week, drink about 100-135 ounces & do not eat past 6 p.m. So if I follow those exact rules but just eat veggies everyday, DO YOU THINK I CAN LOSE WEIGHT & REACH THAT GOAL.?.?.? If anyone knows for sure or knows anyone that has, that would be great! Thank you!Health Question & Answer

The people who lost weight on that diet mainly lost weight from muscle, making fat appear more prominent, that's why people shouldn't be saying, "I want to lose weight", they should be saying, "I want to lose fat".

Secondly, that diet incorporated a huge myth, already a huge sign the diet is bound to fail. That myth is, "eating after 6 p.m. will make you fat". The only correct recommendation for nighttime is to lower your carbohydrate intake.

I can assure you meat is absolutely under no circumstances the cause of obesity. The high consumption of processed food is one of the biggest contributing factors, along with lack of exercise. Lean meat is a great, non-processed source of protein.

A good diet needs to be low-calorie, based around 40% protein, 30% low GI carbohydrates, and 30% healthy fats. You need to get plenty of water as well. You should be having 3 small meals a day and 2-3 small snacks to speed up your metabolism.

Don't just go by calories, whether or not the food is healthy matters just as much, contrary to popular belief. Fat-loss is not as simple as the calories consumed and the calories lost.

Good sources of protein are lean meat, eggs, and fish. Good sources of carbohydrates are yam, sweet potatoes, and fruit. Good sources of healthy fats are avocados, fish, and nuts and seeds.

Edit: Tons of people write up their own diets, that doesn't mean know what they are talking about. Take the Atkins diet for example, do you realize how unhealthy and incorrect that diet is, eliminating carbohydrates from your diet.? Sure, a doctor wrote it, but that diet is one of the worst diets ever created.

This diet you are talking about does not "make sure you lose fat", take the time to do some research on the human body and meat/protein/complete protein/essential amino acids, and you will realize how incorrect the diet is. This "doctor" who has made all these claims is just going to trick you along with your friends.

Best of luck!Health Question & Answer

the veggie diet is true. you have to be patient though. its not a diet its a way of life.Health Question & Answer

Hate to be the bearer of realistic news but:
1. You are losing muscle and water.. very little fat.
2. You are going to experience rebound weight gain from hell when you go back to eating normally.
3. Your body neds protein during a diet to spare muscle. When yu lose muscle your metabolism falls.

Diets do not work. Including (and especially) that kind.

Edit: Dr's make money being good doctor's not selling diet plans. Keep that in mind. I have also found doctor's to be among the most uneducated group in the healthcare industry. Most will still recommend RDA's for water soluble vitamins and use outdated height/weight charts to measure fitness. Do your research it is physically impossible to lose more than 2 lbs of fat per week. When you lose more weight it is muscle and water. You may not want to hear that but you cannot wish away the facts. I admire you for wanting to get healthier but this diet will NOT do it. Sorry.Health Question & Answer

I think it sounds like you are very close to a binge, honestly. You already said that the current regimen is leaving you on edge. Losing weight by eating veggies alone might work, then again it depends on what you soak the veggies in. Since you are allowed dairy, the temptation will be to drownd them in butter or hollandaise sauce, sour cream or other yummy but high cal toppings. At this point it might be more productive to achieving your goal to have a day of planned indulgence. One day of treating yourself- keeping sane portions of course, would probably let you stand sticking to such a restrictive diet a lot longer and easier. If you plan in a meal of indulgence once a week, you would likely lose at least as fast, and not have to face the breakdown pigout that is bound to happen between now and April. I think you can certainly reach your goal, but I urge you to find a diet that lets you control the food and not let the food control you. When your life centers on what you can eat, and when, and restricts you that much, it's hard to stick with. And do keep in mind, elephants and hippos are also total vegetarians. Big ones. It's not what you eat, always. It's still how much. I also hope you are taking a nice multivitamin/mineral supplement while you do this- just to be on the safe side. Health Question & Answer

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