Weight loss and building muscles.?!

Question: Weight loss and building muscles..?
I have decided that I am going to be more serious with my health and seriously try to lay out a routine that I can and will actually stick to, but I just have a few questions first. I do want to maintain a balanced diet as much as I can, and I will do some exercising as much as possible that will include some weight lifting as well. What I am wondering is since my goal is to lose weight, but also to build some muscles at the same time, will using the EAS Protein powder help aid my muscles and weight loss or just the muscles. I don't want to use the powder if it is going to work against my weight loss. I didnt know if maybe using the powder would help me build muscle, which in return would help burn the fat away. Any help is greatly appreciated! ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Protein powder is going to be great as far as building muscle. It is a misconception to say you want to lose weight and gain muscle though, since muscle weighs more than fat. I can safely assume you mean to lose fat, tone up, and gain some muscle.?

Try looking into Cytosport. It's a good brand, typically very lean. I know they make a lean formula specifically also, and they're known as having some of the best tasting protein shakes around (no clumps either).

The best way for you to meet your goals is by doing cardio after waking up in the morning. I say that because research proves that you are on an empty stomach upon waking up, so if you work cardio then, you will be burning pure fat, not any food substance since nothing is on your stomach...

But, when you go to workout, I highly suggest taking something like a Vitamin B complex, eat something with potassium (banana) to prevent muscle cramping etc, and have a little protein. This will give you plenty of energy for your workout so you may maximize intensity.

Shoot for about 3 sets of 10 reps on all exercises.

Follow your workout with a protein shake. It will be best utilized then.

To ensure weight loss and toning up, cut your daily caloric intake by about 400 calories, while yet trying to get the most protein you can.

good luck with your goals!Health Question & Answer

Please see my answer belowHealth Question & Answer

In my own experience, when I was losing weight, I worked my muscles 2 to 3 times a week along with a healthy eating program and I never ate extra protein. I lost weight and built lean muslce (I went from 40 per cent body fat to 19.8, which is really good for a woman in her 40s as I am). I am at the top of the weight limit, according to the BMI charrt, but I have very low body fat. As I said, I DID lose weight, and now that I have reached my goal weight, I have stayed there for nearly 2 years. I don't eat much differently than I did when I was losing, however. I eat a bit more than I did when I was losing, but I don't eat like I used to, otherwise I'd be fat again.

If you are not working outk then I would definitely recommend that you don't use the powder. I would talk to a trainer at the gym you go to and see what their advice is. Men are SO different from women.Health Question & Answer

Eas Protein powder is a decent product in my opinion. I am currently using it and have lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks. It will help you gain that lean muscle mass and help you with your weight loss goals at the same time. Its a low calorie protein source so it will help you get that low calorie diet to drop that fat. It will also help you gain lean muscle because if you take 2 scoops of that stuff that is 42 grams of protein. Your going to loose fat much faster than your going to gain muscle but you can still do both. Take 3 of those shakes a day and 3 whole meals and you'll be in good shape for both goals. Hope that helps!

Health Question & Answer

If you go from not exercising to exercising with the intent of losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time, it is probably not the most effective method of achieving results. It's difficult to gain muscle while losing fat, except for special situations. Any muscle building guide will tell you this.

That being said, if your target is to lose some weight *before* starting a muscle building program, since you are starting fresh, you will tone up and gain some muscle in the mean time. It won't be "earth-shattering," but it will be noticeable.

Either you should target to gain more muscle/mass and then cut fat, or cut fat to a point and then start gaining mass. The end result is the same, but choose the one you'd be the most happy with.

also, protein powder is a good suppliment for protein in your diet and is technically not necessary nor is it a "magic bullet;" though it is a very good source of protein and it's a lot cheaper than eating the equivalent of chicken breasts or other meat. Make sure it's whey protein isolate (high protein) and not just whey powder (high calories, part carbohydrates).Health Question & Answer

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