Will i gain weight from this, i kind of lost control?!

Question: Will i gain weight from this, i kind of lost control.?
breakfast, bagel turkey sausage

lunch, whole weat pepperoni pizza, baked popcorn chicken

lifted weights for 1 hour

snack(here is when i lost control), MILK DUDS, sun chips, protein smoothie, 3 cookies, some nuts,

dinner, sloppy joe, baked fries, applesauce

i also mowed and biked four miles, i am trying to lose weight and i flat out lost control i am tempted to just give up but i am desperate to lose weight, any tips advice would be appreciatedHealth Question & Answer

To loose weight, you need to increase metabolism, the calorie-in should be less than calories-out. I think you have enough exercise, but your diet is lack of fiber, and also too much sugar and oil. Here is my suggestion:

For breakfast, you should have something like fruit/vegie smoothie. I put a banana, an apple, half a lemon, a stalk of celery, some broccoli, 2 frozen strawberries and some frozen blueberries in a blender, then add 1 1/2 cup of water and blend it. Then you can have some oatmeal , a yogurt, a boiled egg and some nuts.

For lunch, if you like pizza, you can have vegetable topping pizza instead.

Try to skip snacks, or eat some fruits such as a pear, or an apple.

For dinner, you should eat something light. A big chicken salad will be the best.

You may not like the taste of these food at first. But human's taste bud can get used to whatever people always eat. You may also feel dizzy because of the drop in calories. If that happens, eat some fruits. I'd like to see you succeed just like I did. Good luck!
Health Question & Answer


The general consensus when losing weight is that you need to focus on eating high protein, low carbohydate meals. The reason being is that protein breaks down in the body much easier than carbs do. However, if you are exercising regularly carbs are great for energy levels. Just don't over do it.

High protein foods include: Red meat, Low Fat milk, nuts, chicken, fish etc
High carb foods include: Grains (bread, pizza bases, pasta, rice) potato.

In all honesty your above diet looks like you are trying to gain weight. You need to reduce carbs and saturated fats. Remember, if you are trying to lose weight, protein shakes are meal supplements not additions.

Recommended diet:
- Breakfast: Yogurt and Muesli
- Morning Tea: Fruit
- Lunch: Grilled Chicken salad (limited dressing)
- Afternoon tea: Nuts (high source of protein)
- Dinner: Red meat/Fish, vegetables (carrot, broccoli, peas, some potato)

Keep your meat portions about the same size as your fist. Any larger and you are making things hard for yourself!

Don't stress too much about not sticking to your diet 100%. There is nothing a bit more exercise cant fix. If you combine the above diet with cardio exercise (3 times a week for one hour) you can't go wrong.

Hope this helps!

Health Question & Answer

if your mom is buying the groceries tell her not to buy any junk food or snack food at all because if it is not there you wont eat it. and also try avoiding plopping down on the couch and watching tv because thats when you become hungry. keep yourself busy with something even videogames are better because your using your hands to play and not feed yourself.Health Question & Answer

don't bother hun, one off day isn't gonna change you, just don't eat so much junk food at one inning and you should be just fine, but I would keep the milk duds, and everything just don't eat all that at one time, but definitely keep the milk duds! MMMMM! :-)Health Question & Answer

Don't give up, you will go up and down just next time eat healthier and lots of fruit and veggies.Drink lots of water too and you could try a meal substitute for 1 meal. It is better to eat something then to starve yourself to help speed up your metabolism.Health Question & Answer

no you will not gain weight! when it said "lost control" i though you ment like ice cream...cake tons of candy....but no you didnt even do that bad at all! you can lose weight from that!Health Question & Answer


eating the milk dud and cookies was not a good choice...but good luck! Health Question & Answer

if u are trying to be an athlete u shud be eating a lot of carbs and protiene. if ur trying to lose weight, i wud say u shud eat more fruits an vegetables an do areobics, or cardio ? Health Question & Answer

*sigh* I am not even going to waste my time on brainless people like you. If you are part of a fitness and diet regimen...know the facts first before you proceed.
Health Question & Answer

Don't eat so many carb consumed foods.Health Question & Answer

you wont gain weight from one bad day, just make healthy choices starting now. Health Question & Answer

grossHealth Question & Answer

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