Would i vomit if i were to drink this high calorie shake? or is this healthy and should i drink it?!

Question: Would i vomit if i were to drink this high calorie shake.? or is this healthy and should i drink it.?
im a teen looking to put on weight. im a pretty small guy at 5'6 112. my doc said no to whey protein and protein powders..i honeslty don't know why..im almost done growing at the age of 17..so yea...the shake is this:

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Shake
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
3 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1-1/2 cup chocolate ice cream

Blend in blender. Calories per serving: 1070

this would help me a whole bunch. i probably consume about 1300 cals a day so by adding this shake everyday i should be eating 2370
cals...also if i start this im for sure going to take a multi vitamin and a calcium to balance out the unhealthness. ill probably attack this shake every night before i go to bed.

whats your advice on this plan.? should i or should i not.? any known shakes that will help me.? im open to any!Health Question & Answer

As a nutritionist and trainer, I'll give you my honest opinion:

It is a TERRIBLE shake. Don't do it.

There is nothing in there that will help you put on good, healthy weight. Ok, maybe the peanut butter is acceptable.

Any idiot can gain weight. Go to McDonald's and stuff your face there for a whole month. I assure you you'll gain weight. But what's the point.? That weight gained will be almost 90% fat. Incidentally, the shake you've designed, is nothing more than liquid macdonald's. Absolutely nothing nutritious in it at all.

Your shake should contain carbs, protein and healthy fat. There is also NO reason to avoid whey protein or any protein powders if you are healthy. Unless you have kidney problems or are allergic to milk and milk products, whey protein can be your best friend when trying to gain weight. You NEED protein and LOTS of it to grow. It's as simple as that.

Here's what I think you need to do to that shake:

Healthy Weight Gain Shake

1/2 avocado
1 scoop protein powder
250ml whole milk
1 cup oats

Calories per serving: 600

Now, this may only be 600 calories, but it is a thousand times more healthy than what you originally proposed. The avocado gives you extremely healthy and good fats. The powder gives you protein. (A word of advice: Chocolate or vanilla goes best with avocados. don't try any other fancy flavours. I can taste a little weird) and the oats give you the good healthy carbs you need. A complete meal in a shake.

Drink 2 to 3 servings per day in addition to your meals. You should be consuming about 2500 cals.
Health Question & Answer

This is a bad shake because it's mostly junk. You don't want to gain fat. Eat healthy I really don't see the need for whey because you're probably not eating enough already. Eat chicken, oatmeal, white rice, brown rice, steak etc.

A good shake has to contain protein.

A healthy shake I have is 1-2scoops whey, milk, and 2 tspns NATURAL peanut butter(if it isn't natural it's not good for you) and a banana maybeHealth Question & Answer

This is mostly sugar and fat. The weight you will gain won't be very healthy. I'm guessing your looking to gain mass rather than get a pot belly.? Your on the right track as far as the peanut butter goes. Protein and Carbs will help you gain HEALTHY weight. Try some weight training (nothing major) to help you gain muscle mass. The multi vitamin is a really good idea. Props
Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

With that ht and wt you could be a Jockey. If you don't know what that is it's person that races horses. Health Question & Answer

Please see my answer belowHealth Question & Answer

u dont want to put on fatHealth Question & Answer

Your doctor is giving ill advise. I am a certified athletic trainer, and I can personally gurantee that products such as Cytosport Muscle Milk Collegiate and Muscle Milk are going to be a much better shake than that recipe you have.

They will be much leaner, contain loads less sugar, contain complex carbs good for gaining weight, and the most pure and digestable form of whey protein (one of the easiest forms of protein to absorb within the body).

As far as calories, you will want to up to at least 2500.

Again, I do not know what you're physician is on, but he or she is completely wrong in what they know about healthy weight gaining.Health Question & Answer

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