Need to lose at least 10kgs in about 2 months 10 points best answer?!

Question: Need to lose at least 10kgs in about 2 months 10 points best answer.?
ok i need to lose about 10kgs in 2 months because i have put on so much weight lately and my best friend is coming back at x-mas and i want to look my best or better than i do now
please i need free ways because i am 15 and i don't care if it is unheathy (so please don't say don't lose weight the unheathy way i have tryed exercising but it is like nothing is happerning so please help to make myself throw up forget about food
(don't tell me no because i know what i want and i will get it no matter wat)Health Question & Answer

shove your fingers down your throat
duhHealth Question & Answer

I am a recovered bulimic and currently in recovery for anoreixa. Its a known fact that the more you deny yourself food, the more you will think about it. Thoriwing up your food won't work- as you still take in at least 50% of the calories, and because your stomach has started already digesting the food, you will feel hungrier after and therefore end up eating more.

The best free way to lose weight is to try and do some daily excercise, whether it be going for a run, or doing star jumps in your room. Eating healthly will also have great benefits for your hair, skin, and happiness levels.

Health Question & Answer

There's a great resource that I've been learning from for a few weeks now, it's got plenty of free help and advice and shows you how to lose weight the correct way, without dieting. I worked off 7 pounds in four weeks by doing as they advised http://www.newloseweight.comHealth Question & Answer

that makes no sense, we need to know how much you weigh now. throwing up wont help you too much. If you are fat it can be acheived in more effective and a lot more fun ways.Health Question & Answer

This is stupid! I am 5'5 and if u convert this to kg i am 60!!! I would want to be in ur position right now. Health Question & Answer

**Read the entire comment before you get upset and write a rebuttal. I am saying this because I truly care about someone who seems to be grabbing at this in the desparate manner you are.

First a health professional I can and WILL tell you that 5'3" and 50 kgs(110 lbs) that is NOT deemed to be overweight so lose that attitude! If you're going to ask for people's help and expect a serious answer then you need to learn to take what they have to offer. I am a professional and don't take kindly to someone "demanding" an answer from me that THEY wish to hear! What kind of proper advice would that be.? Now sit up, grow up, and listen up and what I have to say might just help you to SHRINK UP!

Your straightforward attitude combined with your physically dangerous demands towards those in Yahoo nswers tell me that you should be considering some psychological counselling. Age 15 and "You KNOW what you want" by asking others "how to make yourself throw up".?
"I will get what I want no matter what" is not an attitude conducive to getting anyone to help you with any good suggestions at all and most likely will get you rude and dangerous comments and suggestions.

Here is ONE thing I will safely suggest..replace any drinks such as soda pop, fruit juice, energy drinks, even diet drinks with lots and lots of cold water. And switch to skim milk! That in itself will not only make you healthier over all by detoxifying your system but most likely will take care of half of your weight loss ad even more.

And if putting yourself at health and wellness risk is what you will do to impress whoever this person is, then you need to ask yourself what kind of "best friend" they really are.
If they indeed your BEST FRIEND then they should be willing to accept you how you are and for who you are..not for how you look.
God Bless you and thanks for reading.Health Question & Answer

Oh my gosh, you sound just like my old friend who told me that she went into the bathroom and threw up when she was too full and loved it. I don't think she does it now, THANK GOD. But I am a Bulimic trying to recover and hearing that from a friend (ex friend now) was very heartbreaking and also angering. I freaking way between 55 and 56 kgs and I'm 5'1"!! I used to be 60 kgs but then I started to throw up and became addicted. I went down to about 54 kgs but then I got scared for my health and resisted. Now I'm 55-56 kgs and I am still throwing up every once in awhile, trying to stop. You don't lose an extreme amount of weight by being Bulimic! I stopped losing weight after I dropped to 54 kgs and my stomach was messed up. It was hurting and food consumed my thoughts day and night. It even got to the point where one day I threw up at work because I felt so disgusted with myself. Honestly, you are pathetic. No, actually, you're just immature and stupid so I feel very sorry for you. Don't you dare try to ruin your life for some "so called friend". You have mental issues and you need to see a Psychologist or Psychiatrist before you let yourself get out of control. If you KNOW what you WANT then why are you on Yahoo.? I'm like 100% positive that you'll be mad after reading this and want to cus me out but guess what, I don't care and you need to get over it. I don't know you but I'm very concerned for you.Health Question & Answer

you don't need to starve yourself to lose wieght. infact sometimes, you need to eat more protein, to burn the fat!
for a workable diet -
here is what my dietician suggests - follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your intake has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb. potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category. 25 per cent protein.this will prevent cravings occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ,ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. have a protein shake too, if you want. it will fight the fat and give you extra energy to exercise. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Needless to say, NO soda, chips, cookies! Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like.
get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday.Health Question & Answer

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