What should I look for in a meal replacement bar?!

Question: What should I look for in a meal replacement bar.?
I am in class all day on Saturdays, I eat a good breakfast in the morning (generous bowl of whole grain cereal, maybe some fruit, cup of coffee) and I have about half an hour between classes. I don't want to spend money on vending machines or in the cafeteria, and I have way too much to carry already, which eliminates the option of carrying a lunch with me. Based on all that, I've determined that some sort of protein bar would be the most feasible, convenient and cost efficient (as long as I buy bulk) source of nourishment for me to rely on for just that day of the week. I'm just not sure what variety I should look for... or even what criteria it meet. I don't want to lose or gain weight, and I don't want to be hungry. What should I look for on the label.? A certain number of calories.? The amount of protein.? Carbs.? I don't know what to choose that will just keep my hunger from distracting me during class.Health Question & Answer

I'm in a similar situation. I go to school for extended periods of time and don't always have the time, energy or money to buy something on campus to eat. Packing a lunch isn't an option as I never wake up in time to make anything and I suck at cooking. also, eating a real meal before you hit up the gym is a horrible idea. Therefore, I've been eating all kinds of meal replacement bars in the last year.

There is a company called Odwalla that makes juice shakes and bars that my personal trainer friends swear by. The nutrition facts on the back all seem quite decent to me and they taste ridiculously good...the shakes have so much fruit and vegetables (without the added sugar) in them they can't possibly be bad. There are a ton of different flavors with different special ingredients. If you like V8 Fusion, the Odwalla shakes are similar but without the ungodly amount of carbs.

also, the Slim Fast Optima bars allow you to eat straight up chocolate coated cookie dough without feeling too guilty and fend off hunger pains for hours. Note: the nutritional value probably isn't as great in these though.

As far as calories, it's supposed to be a meal replacement, so don't let a high number scare you. Amount of protein and carbs is up to you and what you think you need...if you're active, you can tolerate a higher amount. The only thing I can tell you to stay away from is bars with a high sugar alcohol content (like some Balance bars have). It will give you the worst gas ever and that will distract you more than your hunger.

If you've never heard of Odwalla, they have a page on their site which allows you to locate the nearest retailer. :)Health Question & Answer

Choose one that's all around balanced...not too many cals, enough carbs but high protein because this will keep you full longer, the more protein is in it.
I'm not sure the nutritional content in Cliff Bars but they are delicious!! I just had the banana nut one it tastes just like a piece of banana nut bread but healthier!Health Question & Answer

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