What's better? try not to snack or to snack healthy? ?!

Question: What's better.? try not to snack or to snack healthy.? .?
wish i could stop snacking so much i know if i could i'd lose weight.Health Question & Answer

You can snack your way to a slimmer you!Its possible!drink one big glass of skim milk after eating a tblspn of raw nuts,preferably mix almonds and cashews...or try watery fruits like green apples and starfruit with green tea or any herbal teasHealth Question & Answer

A healthy snack is better,you want to eat 5 or 6 times a day so that your metabolism stays high.If your only eating 2 or 3 times a day your metabolism will slow down and you'll get fat.

Eating 2 or 3 times a day will help you loose weight in the short term although most the weight you loose will be muscle and not fat.In the long run though your metabolism will slow and you'll usually not only gain whatever weight you lost but even more.Health Question & Answer

Snack healthy! Grapes, apples, carrot sticks, more grapes, kiwi fruit, oranges, plums, peaches.

Yum yum yum!

Just eat them in their natural state rather than juicing or cooking them. If you think how long it takes to peel an orange, divide it into segments, and eat it - versus drinking a glass of orange juice - you will see that by eating frsh fruit when you feel the need to snack keeps your hands and mouth busy until the urge has passed.

Hope that helps!

(PS: Bananas are also yummy, but try not to eat too many, as they are packed full of energy)Health Question & Answer

well it depends. if you eat large, unhealthy meals then you really shouldnt need to snack between meals. if you have smaller portions and healthier food, snacking is ok. you should try to switch things like chips and cookies with yogurt, fruits, vegetables. they are much less in calories and fats. you should switch pop to either diet, or water and tea. green tea has antioxidants in it so its good for you and it tastes good, better than water does. and it has zero calories like water. just dont add sugar to it if you want it sweet, add splenda or something along those lines. just cutting snacking out wont work, especially if you tend to eat alot of whatever you see when your hungry.eating light snacks between meals will make you less hungry at meal time and therefor you will eat less, unless your the type to eat whatever and how much even if your not hungry. but dont not eat. its the worst thing for youHealth Question & Answer

switch anything sugary with fruit. raisins, cranberries. carrots would do good to

switch anything chocolatey with penut butter.

switch anything fried with nothing. never EVER eat friend food, or chips.

snacking right is a lot better! if all you ate was celery for a snack you'd loose ALOT of weight. it has so little calories in it its rediculous

keep this up for a few months and you'll never crave again! =DHealth Question & Answer

I would say no snacking. You can definitely lose weight by not snacking between meals.Health Question & Answer

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