Exercise addiction possibility?!

Question: Exercise addiction possibility.?
I started jogging a little, doing basic crunches and things of that nature about 4 weeks ago. I used to HATE exercising... but now its like if I don't go I feel anxious or I'm just over come with the feeling that I need to go and jog at least once a day!

My body needs a break today and I'm not sure my mind will let it.

Whats up with that.?Health Question & Answer

I am OCD about exercising. I'm training for a half triathlon and when I don't work out I can't stay still until I run a minimum of 2 miles. If you have the running itch, go preoccupy yourself with something to keep your mind off of exercising. When your body is exhausted, exercise your mind. When your mind is exhausted, exercise your body.Health Question & Answer

Well I'm sure a lot of people (myself included) had your problem. I've been working out for years and still have to will myself to go to the gym. If you need the break... it should be rather simple, just don't workout that day. I know that feeling though, where you feel if you don't work out that day it makes it feel like a big loss when it really isn't, but from what you said it doesn't sound like you're overworking, it sounds like you are doing quite well actually. Health Question & Answer

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