Woman and Laxatives to lose weight?!

Question: Woman and Laxatives to lose weight.?
Why do some woman use laxatives to lose weight.? I guess I do not understand this concept as you are still consuming food that and your body will still absorb the fat.? Right.?

Say you ate a value meal from McDonalds then took a laxative, won't your body still absorb the fat, can't you still gain weight.? Guess I am just confused, not that I am going to try it, just curiousHealth Question & Answer

Many women eat their meal and then pop a laxative to speed the egestion of the food from the body; that is, before the food has been effectively broken down and absorbed. The person then feels full, but the food has not provided much energy, so calorie intake is reduced.

It's a very bad and unreliable way to lose weight - overuse of laxatives can wreak havoc on the digestive system.

The best way to lose weight and keep it off is through making a lifestyle change; less processed junk food, more fruit and vegetables and a little cardio.

It's great to see you exposing laxatives for the con they really are!

Best wishes
http://www.scrumptiouslyrealnutrition.co...Health Question & Answer

You are correct in that laxatives primarly affect the actual physical weight of the feces in your system, waiting to exit...so weight loss isn't from fat, but just an immediate purging of the colon of contents that otherwise may take a few days to finally all empty.

They are typically used for quick weight loss (like if someone has a weigh-in the next day or so) but unhealthy if abused (used to frequently) and are not actually an effective weight-loss aid.

If you aren't losing fat, you aren't (really) losing weight.Health Question & Answer

The above poster is not putting together the right cause and affect. Models may take laxatives (because there is a myth that they help you to lose wieght) but they also starve themselves and have superior genetics.

You are corect. By the time food gets to your bowels it has been processed and the calories are stored. Emptying your bowels will do NOTHING to change that.Health Question & Answer

If abusing laxatives did not help people lose weight they wouldn't do it. If you had any idea how many models do this you would be shocked. And look how thin they are.

Good thing you aren't going to try it, because that's gross!Health Question & Answer

Laxatives are good when starting Diet I mean before to clean out your Stomach if you go on eating fatty meals and then take laxatives I dont think you wll be healthy and I dont think it will help you to lose waightHealth Question & Answer

i agree with you...using laxatives to lose weight is stupid..not only you lose merely water weight but also damage your intestinesHealth Question & Answer

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