High cholesterol levels... rather shocking?!?!

Question: High cholesterol levels... rather shocking.?!.?
Hi! Yesterday, I took a cholesterol test and was rather shocked with the results... it told me my levels were at 200mg, with hdl of 18 (really bad), a ratio of 11.3... all which are high risk... Glucose was fine (87) and blood pressure was low/normal (110/70). This caught me rather off guard, because I am 23 years old; 5'4 and a size 4 (so not terribly overweight); not diabetic; a non-smoker; I rarely drink alcohol; can get out an run 5 miles (although I know I should probably exercise more); I do eat chocolate, ice cream, and cheese (bad, apparently), but I eat more fruits and veggies than anyone I know, and always choose whole grains. I do eat out every once in a while, but I wouldn't consider my diet terrible. Might there be any reasoning behind these numbers.? I'm, again, shocked, and quite concerned.

Thank you so much! =)Health Question & Answer

Its probably genetic. I have the same problem.

Mine was 240 with an HDL of 22 2 years ago
with diet and exercise its now 167 with an HDL of 36.

Fish oil supplements, fiber, fresh garlic, unsaturated fats, etc. Lots of cardio and weight training helped me out.

Shoot me a message if you'd like I'd be glad to help you out.Health Question & Answer

You could have FAMILIAL HYPERLIPODEMIA -- inherited high blood lipids (and cholesterol), But frankly, you readings seem LOW for that. Hyperlipodemia usually produced reading in the 1500-2000 range.

Sounds like the chocolate, ice cream, and cheese is not good for you, and you need to cut back. or you just might be one of those people who actually NEED cholesterol -lowering drugs like Lipitor, Crestor, etc.

Health Question & Answer

It could just be heredity. Heredity, along with age and gender, is a part of the uncontrollable factors that cause cholesterol levels in the blood to rise. Genetics plays a hugely important role in determining the blood cholesterol levels of an individual. Check with your family members and this will give you an idea of what you are dealing with and why.Health Question & Answer

Its genetic.

Look into a fish oil supplement that is rich in Omageas 3, 6 & 9.
Watch your sugar/satuarted fats intake.Health Question & Answer

Where did you get the test.? Was it at a doctor's office.? Really important--Did you fast for 24 hours beforehand.?

If it was at a doctor's office and you fasted, I think you should request a re-test just to be sure. If it wasn't, make an appointment with your doctor for another test.

If it still turns out to be high after the second test, try to improve your diet even more by cutting down on the saturated fats, etc.

Cholesterol levels also have a lot to do with your genetics. A good diet, weight, and healthy lifestyle (which you have) won't do it for everyone.Health Question & Answer

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