How many calories should I consume to lose 2 lbs per week (please see details)?!

Question: How many calories should I consume to lose 2 lbs per week (please see details).?
I'm a multiracial female (european, african, japanese and cherokee) and am 5'1" and I currently weigh 220 lbs. Just for the record, I know I am way overweight, but I am very muscular uunderneath For instance, my doctor guessed that I weighted 185 lbs and was shocked when he looked at my chart to see my real weight. I'm saying this not to make myself feel better about the situation I've put myself in, but so that any expert out there reading may understand my shape. Most of my weight is on my butt and thighs, but as of late, it's been going to my stomach.

I am ready to loose this weight once and for all. My goal is to loose 2 lbs per week overall (I know about plateauing and what not) until I reach my goal weight of 130 lbs. I plan to do this by counting calories and eating healthier organic whole foods as often as possible, exercising, and keeping a food diary.

My questions are:
1.) Are there any formulas or guidelines on how many calories to eat per day to lose 2 pounds per week.?
2.) Should I start out at a higher caloric intake and work my way to a smaller daily caloric intake, and if so, how many calories, and for how long.? (Ex: 1700 calories per day for such and such a time, and then 1600 calories per day for such and such a time)

I know that I cannot go lower then 1200 calories per day or I will risk throwing my body into starvation mode.

Any and all help is appreciated, and I always award the 10 point best answer. Thanks in advance.Health Question & Answer

Hi! I am so glad you chose to do this! It will be so fun and easy once you start seeing results. I will give you my suggestions, I have to lose about 40lbs after having 3 kids in 3 years so it worked for me.

Cut out all sugar, prossed foods, "white" food (bread, pasta, rice) and replace them with whole grains. No pop or juice cocktails. Don't drink alchol it is loaded with fat, carbs and cholesterol. Cut down on red meat and eat more fish, chicken, beans and eggs. Eat 5-6 small meals a day.

As for a work out routine- Cardio for an hour 4-6 days a week and start weight training now so as your fat goes you will look toned and not saggy. Besides Muscle burns fat. Don't lift very heavy weight, you should be able to do 5 reps of 20 easily. Good luck, with this plan I have lost any where from 4lbs to 1.5 lbs a week. plan for a plateau, but you'll get past it. Join a gym and go. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

There's a really awesome site that I've been following for a few weeks now, it's got tons of free help and advice and demonstrates to you how to tone up and slim down the only way, without dieting. I ditched 8 pounds in seven weeks by following their tips http://www.newloseweight.comHealth Question & Answer

why not join a gym and sweat it off.?just control your portion sizes...dont complicate stuffs by counting calories...Health Question & Answer

I agree with the person above me. Don't try to count calories at first, it could get too confusing, and it doesn't always work well. You may end up becoming too dependent on counting calories and not working out properly. Besides, in order for us to tell you how much calories you should be eating, we'd have to know how much of it you are burning in a day.

My advice for losing weight would be to cut out all junk food, soft drink, and other unhealthy food out of your life. It may sound hard, but it'll help a lot. Feel free to indulge in some once a week, but the less you eat of those food, the faster you'll lose weight.

Working out in crucial for losing weight, you don't have to push yourself too hard, just do a bit more every week, build yourself up. Start with just walking for a couple of miles each day, then add in running, jump roping, swimming, etc. And if you find yourself getting bored by them, join a dance class, take up yoga, do Pilate. And make sure you vary your work out every day, or your body may become used to them and you'll burn less calories doing them. Health Question & Answer

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