Anyone want to make a small work-out plan for me? (not literally)?!

Question: Anyone want to make a small work-out plan for me.? (not literally).?
I'm 5' 2''. A teen. Not over-weight but would like to drop a few pounds, I do have a major sweet tooth (especially for chocolate :))

any tips.?
it doesn't have to be an actual workout plan just something to get me going.? anything is appreciated :D

thanks!Health Question & Answer

I can give you one if you want, i'm bored -.-

E-mail me or add me on MSN, so i can find out a little more about what you want - joshie_t@hotmail.comHealth Question & Answer

(lol...he's bored.)
Try a jump rope. Go outside for a walk with a friend. Play basketball. Do something daily... kids shouldn't need a "work-out plan," just go out and play, i.e.: be a kid and you'll get yourself "fit" again.Health Question & Answer

Take a moderately brisk walk on non-school days. (I'm assuming that you either walk to school or have a P.E. class.) Most people feel better after doing a reasonable amount of exercise, as compared with doing the absolute minimum amount of exercise necessary for day-to-day survival. Let's optimize the feel-good part of your daily exercise routine. After you do that, sticking with your exercise program won't be a matter of 'will power'.

Start at 20 minutes of moderately brisk walking. Make a note of how you feel after the walk. Then on other non-school days, experiment with 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 minutes. Suppose that you get the maximum sense of well-being from 35 minutes of moderately brisk walking. Then it would be pointless to increase the walking time from 35 to 40 minutes, because that would decrease your sense of well-being!

Walking for maximum well-being should be your 'workout' on non-school days. Obviously, you'll burn extra calories during the walk. And your metabolism will also stay high for an hour or more afterwards, which will burn even more calories.

In my experience, walking for well-being has no effect on my appetite, if I'm not hungry when I start my walk. But if I forced myself to go for long walks, that would make me hungry, and I'd get less bang for my exercise buck.

About the chocolate. There's been some good press on the health benefits of the epicatechin in chocolate. The anandamides and other phytonutrients in chocolate can also contribute to a sense of well-being. So it ain't all bad!

When I crave chocolate, I eat half an ounce (14 grams) of pure, unsweetened baking chocolate, with no added sugar or butterfat. That's the equivalent of a humongous piece of chocolate cake. That satisfies my 'Chocolate Jones' with the fewest number of calories.

If you're among the 25% of the population who are 'supertasters', and can't even tolerate the slightly bitter taste of broccoli, then the baking chocolate probably wouldn't be a good idea for you.Health Question & Answer

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