I'm extremely over weight...?!

Question: I'm extremely over weight....?
Okay, so pretty much. i'm about 100 lbs overweight...i've been in denial for so long about this, but i'm ready to make some changes. i'll be walking for a half an hour in the morning and at night, which, trust me is a lot for me. I used to have a job where i was on my feet a lot, and now that i work at a desk job i've gained a LOT. as for eating healthy, i'm embarassed to say i'm really picky, i dislike raw vegetables, i'm just now getting my mouth used to eating lettuce and other raw greens. so for me to just pick up a piece of raw broccoli is asking a lot...i do enjoy fruit. what are some healthy meals that arent going to make me nauseous. i already know i have to take in very few calories and plenty of protein. also what drinks are good.? i know water of course...but is there anything else.? or do i have to suffer with a bland diet for the rest of my life.?Health Question & Answer

before you start a diet, know the reason why said diet would cause you to lose weight.

we burn calories when our energy use exceeds our energy intake. the reason vegetables are such a good way to lose weight is because they have almost no calories. by eating vegetables, you're pretty much starving yourself. which isn't a problem if you're really 100lbs overweight, because your body will just eat itself until you're down to a normal size. it sounds gross, but that's how weight is lost.

most overweight people have a need to feel "full". you want to feel like there's stuff in your gut because it feels good. i know. it's natural. if you stuff yourself with vegetables, you'll feel full and not intake many calories. at the same time, you do need protein to live, so eat beans. they're healthy, delicious, and protein rich.

as for which vegetable dishes to eat, it doesn't really matter. just avoid starches, like potatoes, corn, wheat, and rice.

boiling vegetables is an easy and tasty way to make them more appetizing - broccoli is actually REALLY good if you boil it a lot before eating it. if done right, it tastes kind of buttery and delicious.

peas are also really good. get some peas, either frozen or in the pod, boil them, and enjoy.

carrots are also fantastic for snacking items. they're always really cheap, and there's no way you don't like carrots. they're freaking awesome. even if you don't, try boiling them too! carrots are FANTASTIC boiled. great texture.

salads are good, but be careful - the salad dressing is usually PURE FAT and totally negates the purpose behind eating a salad (remember, you're starving yourself here). vinegar based dressings or nonfat dressings aren't as tasty (humans are naturally predisposed to loving the taste of fat), but they can be filling.

greenbeans are fantastic when boiled, and so are beats.

many vegetables are good grilled too. bell peppers, eggplant, beats, zucchini, and yellowsquash are all very tasty when grilled until soft and slighty crispy. salt them a bit, or add some garlic, and they're quite fantastic. Health Question & Answer

Three good diets for shedding 100 lbs that you may perhaps wish to investigate include the Atkins diet (high animal protein diet), the rice diet (very few Asians are overweight) and a vegetarian or vegan diet (very few vegetarians or vegans are overweight).Health Question & Answer

Lightly steaming or grilling vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, peppers, squash, egg plant) with a little garlic and lemon can make them taste great!Health Question & Answer

hey canned pears taste greatHealth Question & Answer

Oh God no! Don't resignto a bland diet, try frozen veggies and put them in a pan with some PAM spray and toss in some herbs and spices. Fruit is great so eat up. look up light and healthy recipies online and just change a few things at a time to help.
avoid fried foods and pastries, but do indulge a little once a week
try out new foods and learn to cook
water, flavored water, diet drinks, and tea/coffe (black or w/ no cal sweetener)
keep a log of food and amount, forget calories for now, you need to get portions under control first. Health Question & Answer

You should be proud that you can accept your dilemma and that you have decided to fix it rather than run and hide from it. You have my support and my best wishes.

Now then, to answer your question I'll start by recommending some healthy dishes my mother likes to cook for my family at dinner and at the weekends:
-Steamed and seasoned broccoli: Take a pan and a lid (or a pot with a lid). For every cup of broccoli, put about cup and a half of water. Wait till the water boils and then place broccoli into the container. After the broccoli has turned into a pea green color and has a soft texture, it is ready to eat. You can season it with salt and lemon (I personally like both!).
-Cooked salmon: Season raw salmon with lemon, salt, pepper, and onions. Take a pan with a lid (no pot this time). Dazzle the pan with a bit of virgin olive oil as it has the good fats and no the bad fats. Place the season salmon onto the pan and let it cook with the lid on. The salmon is ready when it has turned into a fresh pink or when the salmon meat is flaky (little chips come off when you cut it).

As for drinks... What I like to do (and most of my family does this too) is drink half flavor and half water. That way you still get some flavor in your drink but half the calories. Most flavored drinks are mostly composed of water anyway so it doesn't affect the drink adversely.

Fruits are great if you ask me. I'll take a banana or mango over chips or chocolates any day (a chocolate banana once in a while never hurts though). Stick to those if you need a quick boost of energy rather than a granola bar.

I wish you good luck. Health Question & Answer

Well you have made one big step, you realize it is time for a change. You have lots of obvious potential. However, you have to have a positive outlook about it or you will NOT be successful. YES, you will be sacrificing some things that a tasty, but remember: Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels.
-clean out the pantry! No Sodas, Sweets, or Junk Food. Do not set yourself up for failure.
-Walking twice a day for half an hour at a time is excellent. Make sure your pace is fast enough, walk as if you are trying to catch a bus or are late for a meeting. Try to incorporate some light hand weights and sit ups several times a week. This should really help you out.
**As you increase your fitness level you will find yourself wanting to venture out. There are inexpensive and fun dance/fitness/workout dvds you can purchase and so many other things to do. Run, Walk, Swim, Jog, Jump Rope, etc. Get that heart rate up.
-It is very good that you like fruit. Keep it up! However, eating lettuce isn't sufficient. Pick up the pace with those veggies! Always read your labels and remember to run and hide from sugar. Fat consumption doesn't make you fat, eating sugar does. Throw out the white bread, only eat wheat bread. And remember, measuring utensils are your best friend. Take the time to measure out all of your portions. I obsess over knowing exactly what I put into my mouth. It's not painful. I know that if I'm a good girl all day, I might have a dinner that is a little bit extra!
-Something that you can benefit from that is at you finger tips is in the frozen foods section. Lean cuisine, Smart Ones, South Beach, and Healthy Choice all have wonderful frozen entrees that are low in calories and USUALLY delicious. As long as you watch the sodium levels (you should have no more than 2400 mg a day). If you are feeling the need to splurge, you but and eat a serving of Smart Ones ice cream. Last, I personally cut all drinks out of my diet besides water and green tea. It sounds insane to say I haven't had a sip of soda in 4 months but I don't even miss it. Once you break your cravings and see the results... you won't want sodas and sweets.
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