Need to loose weight, but limited..need ideas...?!

Question: Need to loose weight, but limited..need ideas....?
i'm 27yo 5'6 192lbs and I cant stand it any more. I work full time, then work again at night trying to start a business and raise 3 kids in between so the gym is out of the question. However I recently got a punching bag and jump rope and am thinking about buying a medicine ball for crunches. I want to change my diet also...I need suggestions of things i can do at home to loose weight and tone down. And how long should it take to see results. Any helps is appreciated...Health Question & Answer

Well Im not sure if you are male or female, so this changes things a bit. Basically you can slim down pretty easily with a few little changes, either way.
Diet Changes:
1-Water is a Gift- Drink it! Lots of water all the time. Its good for your heart, skin, organs, everything. Plus being hydrated affects cravings, making snacking less interesting.
2-Kick the Can- if it comes in a can, dont drink it. Or make it a treat, not a normal beverage. I love Dr. Pepper, but just one can has tons of calories. Think how many you can save by switching to something else, like teas.
3- Make sure calories come from things you chew. Get lowfat milk, and avoid juices. Most of them are full of sugars. Eat a piece of fruit instead and youll get more vitamins and good stuff but less sugars and fake stuff.
4-Instead of "taking away" from your diet, add healthy things to it. Find fresh fruits and veggies you like, and add them to your diet. You will have less room for other things, plus youll be eating a healthier diet.
5-Keep healthy snacks laying about. I am a snack fiend, I love to munch while I tick away at the computer or watch tv. Switch your chips to healthier choices. You can start small by taking baked chips or low fat pop corn, or take the plunge and switch to slices of veggies and fruits.
6-Eat lean proteins to get full faster. Foods like lean pork and fish will make you full and stay full a long time with healthier benefits than a fattier food.
7-Figure out what your poison is and find a way to work around it. Me.? Im a french fry addict. I LOVE them and cant imagine life without them. So what I do is lose the burger and have a salad or pieces of fruit with my fries.

Life Style Choices-
Sounds like you are super busy, so its going to be tough to fit it in. One thing that helps is you can combine kid time with exercise. Its good for your kids, helps you bond, and its good physical fun for all of you to do an activity together that gets you moving. Playing catch will do more than playing a video game, and taking walks together, going on outings, wrestling around, pushing their tricycle from behind, joining in a game of football, whatever it is you can do together. You might not have time to hit a gym, and no kid wants to do that either, but hitting a local pool together is excellent exercise and a good activity you can include them in on. Local YMCAs often have very inexpensive pools, even indoor ones sometimes. Heck, lots of hotels will let you use their pools for a small price (or if your are just sneaky ;)

The more calories you burn the better, so when working at a desk take 10 minutes per hour to stand. You can still do work, but do squats while you read, stretch your arms while you talk on the phone, find some activities you can do while you work.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further from the grocery store, and remember, every step counts.

Expect results to come and go, slow then fast then slow then fast, as your body adjusts. But two pounds a week is a healthy loss goal. So if you get in good choices at dinner and a little activity, you could be down a pants size or even two by the end of October.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Hi There! Wow, you are busy! But you can still lose weight and eat healthier. I run on a treadmill 3-4 times/week for at least 15 minutes and walking 10 minutes. This has helped me to get my metabolism up. I realize you can't go to the gym or may not have access to a treadmill, but anything you can do that will get and keep your heart rate up and keep you sweating for a good 20 minutes at least 3 times/week will do the job. So, hitting that punching bag is a great option!! also, doing crunches etc. will help with toning. In the beginning it may be hard, but remember everything you do is better than nothing and tomorrow is a new day. Results will depend on how much you are able to work out. The 2 eating changes that I made were. 1. I eat a salad for lunch, romaine lettuce, hard boiled egg, ham, little cheese and low fat dressing. The 2nd change I made, was that I allow myself to have small snacks (helps with the whole metabolism thing) and I will usually grab carrot sticks or a hard boiled egg for a snack.Doing this has helped me lose 12 lbs over the last 4 weeks. And it worked for me because I didn't go "cold turkey" on the food. I mean, we have to admit that sometimes McDonalds is the only choice when we have kids!!!Health Question & Answer

I've been on a healthy eating plan for about 2 weeks now and my diet mainly consists of fruit, vegetables, cottage cheese, tuna and chicken, i have about 20lbs to lose.

It's hard but i stick it out as i want my life back, i also do 15 mins jump rope a day it's easy and a great cardio workout.
I wish you all the best.
Health Question & Answer

Hi There
Losing weight can be hard , but it is well worth your time

I have lost about 50 pounds over the past year and it has been pretty easy for me. Well, I should say easier than it was before. I found some information at . They have a lot of good information on there. I just had a kid and was feeling really worn down so I decided to lose some weight and it has made a world of difference. That is where I started and it was a real help to me

Take Care Health Question & Answer

if you really want to lose your weight.don't worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts and drink fresh juices.for more info visit the below website.Health Question & Answer

When losing weight, you should follow the dual course: exercise and
diet together. If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger
appetite, which will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on) For targeting your problem areas, check up
these Workout Exercises : Weight Training, Plyometrics , Stretches
(Flexibility), Pilates, Ball, Cardio Dumbbells, Cables etc. 100's Of
Exercises. They have animated photos, so it's easy to understand how
to do them. Question & Answer

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