Eating problem?? please help!!?!

Question: Eating problem.?.? please help!!.?
i'm always seem to be hungry and never eat the right things. i've tried to not eat dessert for a while but i always get a craving and ruin it. i exercise a lot, but i don't think it's enough. i'm not overweight but i'm close and i'm self conscience and i don't know how to lose weight please help....Health Question & Answer

I feel for you! It took alot of reading and a little motivation before I got my eating habits in check. This will be lengthy but it's worth a read.

If you're always hungry it's because you're probably eating foods with a high glycemic index (GI). Put simply, your body processes these foods quicker so you're hungry sooner. Read the first link in 'sources' for more information. Eat a low-GI diet so you're fuller for longer. See the second link for a list of foods and their glycemic index.

Secondly ALWAYS ensure you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and as many mini snacks as you need. Listen to your body - if you're hungry then EAT! But make sure you eat the right foods. And make sure what you're listening to is in fact hunger pains ... not thirst or boredom.

Throughout the day make sure you get a few servings of wholegrains (wholemeal bread, brown rice, wholegrain pasta, oats), lots of vegetables (leafy green and bright orange vegies, beans, peas, lentils), fruits (citrus, berries, melons), dairy (low fat milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese), nuts/seeds and protein (chicken, lean meat, fish, egg, tofu, beans, lentils).

Some tips that work for me:
>Not many people are morning people so just do some stretches or some light yoga in the morning then eat a big nutritious breakfast - my favourite is oats with yoghurt, cinammon, LSA (linseed, sunflower, almond mix) some crushed walnuts and blueberries ... this will keep you going for aaaaages and it is so healthy.

>Workout in the afternoon and then follow it with a low-carb high-protein dinner such as grilled chicken breast with steamed vegies. Skip the pasta or bread because you don't need to lie down for hours with a belly full of carbohydrates. For some info on carbs, proteins and fats see the third link.

>Snack on low-fat yoghurt, fruit or a small handful of nuts or seeds.

>Drink lots of water and acquire a taste for green tea. It boosts the metabolism and assists fluid retention so you'll look thinner - even if you're not!

>Make sure you enjoy your workout otherwise you will get bored and give up. It should consist of some cardio (get your blood pumping and burn fat), strength training (tone the muscles) and flexibility training (lengthen the muscles). You can swim, cycle, run, play sports, rock climb, cayak, surf, mountain bike, yoga, pilates, dance, lift weights ... the opportunities are endless!

>If you're craving something sweet, try and ignore it for twenty minutes. If it's still there - satisfy it. If you want lollies have some fresh fruit and low-fat yoghurt. If you're craving chocolate eat a small handful of chocolate covered sultanas. Make smart substitutions.

Finally, calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (see the last link) to know how many calories you are eating, then invest in a calorie counting book and get a general knowledge of the amount of calories you are eating.

The trick is to educate yourself! Best of luck xHealth Question & Answer

Body feels hungry if you don't eat enough nutrients. If you only eat junk food or food with little nutrition, then you'll feel hungry again even though you ate an hour ago.

You must eat the right food in order to lose weight.

No magic about it. Eat healthy and do exercise 5 days a week!

Lots of vegetables, some meat, some pasta/rice/bread and don't forget milk & yogurts too!

After trying all kinds of fad diets, trust me this is the quickest way to lose unwanted fat.

No magic, just logic.

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