For the weight loss experts, personal trainers etc. etc.?!

Question: For the weight loss experts, personal trainers etc. etc..?
I need to lose 40lbs and I want to do it the right way. I would like to cut down my fat percentage. Of the choices below which one would you all pick.? also anyone who has experienced any of the diets below are more than welcome to answer as well. I just want to know how long and if it was effective in your weight loss. Thanks everyone ahead of time and have a great weekend!!

"You on a Diet" Dr. Oz
"The South Beach Diet"
"The Glucose Revolution (Low GI Diet)"Health Question & Answer

A good diet needs to be low-calorie, based around 40% protein, 30% low GI carbohydrates, and 30% healthy fats. You need to get plenty of water as well. You should be having 3 small meals a day and 2-3 small snacks to speed up your metabolism.

Don't just go by calories, whether or not the food is healthy matters just as much, contrary to popular belief. Fat-loss is not as simple as the calories consumed and the calories lost.

Good sources of protein are lean meat, eggs, and fish. Good sources of carbohydrates are yam, sweet potatoes, and fruit. Good sources of healthy fats are avocados, fish, and nuts and seeds.

The best of the choices of diets you have given would be, "The Glucose Revolution (Low GI Diet)". However, you should typically stay away from fad diets. They claim many things, but usually you either don't see results or achieve results through an unhealthy diet that does more harm than good.

As for losing 40 pounds by mid-Dec/Jan, you should only be losing a maximum of 2 pounds a week if you do it in a healthy way. That would equate to 8 pounds lost a month, and 40 pounds lost in 5 months.

5 months from now is February, so by then, following the diet I gave you, you will reach the weight you desire, and furthermore, you can rest assured that you lost weight healthily.Health Question & Answer

It is possible, but requires hard work and dedication. Out of the choices you've listed I would go for the South Beach Diet as it's a well balance of everything, so you're still getting your healthy carbs, fiber and protein. Working out is important too, if you're serious about shedding that much weight in 4 months than you should be working out at least 6 days a week. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

the best one is "You on a Diet" Dr. Oz. by mid-Jan you should have lost about 32 pds. if you eat health, do cardio and strength. but also you will have to be consistent with it. Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

Hello, it is an accepted fact that diets are 95% certain to fail. I suggest that you visit its an amazing site with tons of free tips and tricks. I ditched 5 pounds in four weeks by taking their advice Health Question & Answer

i am not familiar with any of them. however, i do believe in eating everything in moderation. that way you don't feel you're on a diet. ww is a great plan. losing fast is a surefire way to fail. you shouldn't lose any more than 2 lbs max a week to ensure it's fat loss and you're not losing muscle too. muscles are metabolically active tissue, meaning they burn calories for you. lose some and you slow your metabolic rate.

if you are also going to be exercising you would do well to eat a bit more protein - lean proteins though, not fatty processed garbage. drink plenty of water, eat lots of veggies (nutritional storehouses that are healthy, filling and provide fiber among other things), fresh fruits, whole grains. try to limit or eliminate white overly processed carbs and sugars, which spike your blood sugar and leave you craving for more. low fat dairy like nf or 1% milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, yogurts etc are great too and should round out your diet. make sure you get a little healthy oil like olive oil in a salad or whatnot every day - a little goes a long way. Health Question & Answer

First of all, get to your doctor or a medical clinic and ask them to do a simple blood test to check you for two things: low thyroid and also a blood test for diabetes called a Hemoglobin A 1 c. Your hemoglobin A1c test should be below 7. If both of those tests are okay, I would suggest you use a simple diabetic exchange diet.

Avoid processed foods like the plague. No more soda pop. Watch the salt intake (will make you hold water).

Exercise more and eat less - that is the best diet there is.

Forget trying to lose it fast - you will never keep it off that way. Set a goal of weekly weight loss for yourself that is reasonable - no more than 2 pounds or so. January 15 is 118 days from today or 16 weeks - that's about 2-1/2 pounds a week. Make it easy on yourself - go for 2 pounds a week. You can do it if you exercise 6 days a week and watch what you eat very closely.Health Question & Answer

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