Have i damaged my mucles doing sqots with weights?!

Question: Have i damaged my mucles doing sqots with weights.?
im female in my late twenties, i have not exercised in years and attended a class yesterday doing sqots with weights on my back and shoulders, we did 20mins worth of them. when i left i found it hard to walk my legs were shaking and i could not walk down stairs. today, this evening it has got worse i can barley walk, its hurts if i tough my theighs, and i can not walk up or down slopes and stairs i am in serious pain. when will this get better and have i done serious damage. Health Question & Answer

You was stupid to do 20min worth of squats, Doing that sort of exercise puts severe strain on your leg muscles and it's no surprise your legs feel all wobbly and you can't walk right.
When I started out with squats I had the same thing happen to me and I know what your going through, it was extremely painful to even kneel down to pick something up and I was limping for a while.

However the pain your feeling will go away within 1 week provided you don't do any more squats.
I think when you feel better you should start of doing them without the weights to increase your endurance first, if you do 100 squats you will feel the burn but it won't put as much stress on you if you say do 50 squats with weights.

If you can get through the pain barrier which will take a month or two then you will be able to squat all you want.Health Question & Answer

If you do squats, it should be with no weights at all for beginners and gradually increasing the amount you lift. Twenty minutes' worth if way too much - that is overdoing it to the max.

Having not worked out in years, you have probably strained your muscles terribly. Go to your family doctor or urgent care center immediately. You should be able to walk and not be in such pain.

(Moderation is the key to exercising with weights - you have to take it very slowly to avoid injuring yourself.)Health Question & Answer

No. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is normal and how much it hurts depends on the intensity of the exercise you did. It's actually a positive thing in terms of building muscle because your body will now repair them and in doing so will make them stronger. However, it shouldn't last too long so if it's not better in a couple of days, see your doctor.Health Question & Answer

lactic acid - this is what happens when you work muscles that either haven't been worked in a long time, or train them differently. tomorrow you will feel worse. it is lactic acid build up. if you train regularly this phenomena goes away. i am a bodybuilder for over 25 years and find it difficult to train myself into horrid soreness.

might i suggest hot soaks, massage, stretching and advil. icy hot too if you can tolerate it. you just did way too much for your fitness level.Health Question & Answer

Eat plenty of green vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition. also lift weights in circuit fashion to get a cardio workout plus stimulate your lean body tissue and speed up your metabolism. Here are some free workout videos and other tips to lose weight fast..

http://diethabit.blogspot.com/Health Question & Answer

You have done them correctly. When you do weights the whole purpose of it is to damage your muscles, so to speak. Your tearing muscle fibres and repairing them with more tissue which in return makes your muscles bigger. You are supposed to be sore, dont worry.Health Question & Answer

You have overdone it. You should build up to the exercise you appear to have wandered into. Take a long hot bath to soothe your muscles, you've probably strained themHealth Question & Answer

Your muscles will repair themselves over the next few days. That is really good that you got so sore!Health Question & Answer

Just relax your muscles and stretch them (before and after) next time you do anything. Health Question & Answer

Hehe, i'm certain you didn't damage muscles. If you don't exercise the muscles in a long time, then putting them under that kind of load make it feel like that at first. You could have avoided it, but now you need to ride it out.

Muscle soreness is always worse the first or second day after your workout... yes sometimes you don't feel the soreness until the second day, it's weird. I've done it a few times that left me confined to the couch for a couple days. Slowly start to stretch out your legs and move around and eventually you will feel better. Might take about a week to feel completely fine. You can continue to exercise in this time frame if you feel up to it, you won't destroy your legs, but keep the exercise light.

After any exercise, you should thoroughly stretch out the muscles you worked. Do 3-4 stretches, and hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds. It may feel painful to stretch for that long at first but don't stop... I doubt you'll have a problem with that... i hear it's way less painful than labor.

also, you should ensure that your body has enough potassium after your workout... my source of potassium is bananas.

Stretching and potassium will prevent muscle soreness in the future - I promise.Health Question & Answer

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