Im always hungry...whats wrong with me?!

Question: Im always hungry...whats wrong with me.?
everytime i eat like 20 mins later my stomach be growling or it growls when im not hungry..i would eat all day long if no one stopped 125lbs.. and i think something is wrong with my appetite. Health Question & Answer

well you're proborly eating jumky stuff.
Your body keeps craving the vitamins and stuff it needs from food, but you give it junk and you have to eat heaps more food to get the vitamins your body needs.
chage your diet.
less junk and preservatives.
eat more natural, fresh stuff.
and sometimes when you think your body is craving food, it is actually craving water.
try to drink 3-5 glasses of water per day. not soft drinks, that just dehydrates you even more.
fruit juices are great as a plus, but not instead of water.
oh and here's some websites with quick and healthy recipes:
hope that helps!Health Question & Answer

A few different things could be going on.

Check in with a nutritionist to see if your diet is sufficient for your needs. That could make you hungry.

Water is a good filler, if you think you are hungry twenty minutes after eating, drink some water because it could be that your fluid intake is not adequate and that is why you continue to feel hungry. One dietary recommendations includes having a bowl of soup before a meal (every day - 1 bowl) because it has fluids/water in it and will help to create a full feeling after a meal.

Another possibility is that you are not getting enough protein in your diet. All meals need a source of protein. As an FYI, muscle meats take four days to digest, fish and chicken are leaner and digested faster, and beans and peanut butter are digested even faster. You may want to try a protein drink to see if that will fill you up.

When the stomach growls it is not probably not digesting your food so you are not getting all the nourishment you need from your diet.

You may consider doing a self-check to see if you are suffering from a food allergy. That can create a feeling that you are still hungry. Common Food allergies are corn, dairy - which includes cheese & milk, wheat, and soy. I don't know if the peanut allergy is getting to be quite common or not. Food allergies are really tricky things, they can cause all kinds of reactions and being hungry all the time is one of them.

You could check with a doctor, since this sounds like a dietary problem and it could be related to hormones, too. Finding a nutritionist or dietitian to help check your diet may help.

Health Question & Answer

Well that can depend on a lot of factors.
How old are you, if you are a teenager it could be high metabolism.
Teenagers have higher metabolism than people of other ages anyway, but maybe yours is extra high.
Do you feel you can eat whatever and not gain weight.? How tall are you.? I mean you say you weigh 125, but if you are tall and thin, then it's more likely that it's metabolism like I suggested. My stepson was kind of short for his age, until like the past 2 years. But was still very thin. He has an over active metabolism. He is 18 now, but I still don't think he is over 100 pounds and is only about 5 ft 8 inches.
Sorry to go on like that but just trying to give a possible comparison.
I would suggest you have an evaluation by the doctor. There isn't really anything they do for over active metabolism, but at least you'd have an explanation if that is it.
One other suggestion is to eat more fiber veggies and cereals like raisin bran or shredded wheat. Foods that are high in fiber expand in your stomach and make you feel more full. And they are good for you too. So maybe you just aren't eating the right foods.Health Question & Answer

That's definitely weird. Go to the doctor with that one - if you keep eating and are always hungry but are gaining no weight or even losing some you might have a tapeworm or parasites! They live in your intestines and eat the food that you're consuming, that's maybe why you're always hungry even after you eat. Health Question & Answer

I don't think doctors are on Yahoo Answers too often, they probably have better things to do. So I would suggest, getting it taken care of that way. If it is something that has been going on for a while then I would think that you are ok to keep on going. You have a high metabolism and probably need to the food to keep on operating. Health Question & Answer

try to eat a little healthier it might keep you fuller.
my friend is the same exact way, but she's always moving so she probably burns a lot of calories and works up an appetite or whatever. dont panic its probably nothing.
when you go to the doctor for a wellvisit just mention it just to be safe.
=)Health Question & Answer

I'm 125 too. =]
Are you getting enough sleep.? Studies show that sleep deprivation causes an increase in appetite and cravings. also, fruits and vegetable, and whole grains rich in fibre take longer in the body to break down, making you feel full for longer. unlike junk food.Health Question & Answer

i know lots of small people that can eat whatever they want all day long and not gain a pound, when you have a high metabolism you have to feed it, or could you possibly be pregnant, no offense, but thats one of the first things that i noticedHealth Question & Answer

If your stomach is growling and you're not hungry, then you're probably just digesting. Noises don't always mean your stomach needs food. Go to the doctor and maybe just eat more smaller meals a day.Health Question & Answer

What kinds of things are you eating.? Are you drinking enough water.? What you eat and how much (or little) water you drink can make you feel hungry.Health Question & Answer


You might want to see a doctor about that. I've heard it can be a sign of diabetes.
I may be wrong, thoughHealth Question & Answer

YUOR TRULY ON THE INSIDE FATTTTTT!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

thats normal for me but i am 6 foot 8 in tall... mabey your just going to grow more haHealth Question & Answer

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