What is going on?! My diet didnt work?!

Question: What is going on.?! My diet didnt work.?
Ok, I started my diet and exercise program about a month ago, strictly 1300 or less calories a day, high protein, high fiber, and low fat, and 60 minutes on the treadmill EVERYDAY, burning at least 250 calories each time, and I have a very active lifestyle, I am a type A person with 3 kids, and a clean house, and odd jobs to do, I weighed in a month ago at 115lbs, Im 5'5", I just weighed in for the first time since I started this diet, and I am 118lbs!!! What is going on, I thought it was calories in versus calories out! I have definitely burned more calories than I have taken in, how could this be.?Health Question & Answer

You are the perfect weight for your height already, the reason you have added a couple of pounds over the month is because muscle weighs more than fat.
So you may be a few pounds heavier but you should be in much better shape, I know it must be difficult when the scales go up but you should be more toned (even if you don't think so) :)

Health Question & Answer

your weight may actually have stayed the same or gone down...sometimes you have to think about the uncertainty range of the weighing machine.

and your weight may actually have increased because of muscle, considering your high protein/active lifestyle. muscle weighs more than fat, right.?

so don't fret...you've got great perseverance for keeping up that diet! keep it up! :)Health Question & Answer

Look at the first 2 answers- spam!!!! grrrrrrrrr

Anyway, weighing yourself isnt a good measure of loosing weight, as you may have lost fat but gained muscle. And as we all know muscle wieghs more than fat so you actually could have gained weight.

But, you would have toned up your body which is a good thing.

If you take measurements of your waist, hips, thighs etc and then compare them before and after exercise you'll get a better picture. Or you could tell just by how your clothes fit on you now.Health Question & Answer

Decrease your calorie intake and start eating lighter and more compact foods. Don't expect significant results in only one month. It takes years to put on weight and it can take years to take it off.Health Question & Answer

It could be that you built a little muscle in your legs on the treadmill.
More protein will help build muscle. And muscle weighs more than fat.
A little more muscle can be agood thing, as the more muscle you have or if your muscles arte just toned and healthy, they actually burn the fat.
Did you notice your body getting more fit at all, muscle tone, or did you lose any inches.? If so, then your diet DID work. Don't worry about the number on the scale. As I said, muscle in heavier than fat.

Buy the way at 5'5" and 115 to 118, you do not need to lose weight.
I'm 5'6" and weigh almost 150, and am slender.Health Question & Answer

It all depends on what u r eating and when u r eating it. It also sounds as if u r not eating enough calories.
also muscle weighs more than fat and the best estimate is by taking measurements and judging how your clothes fit. Track ur progress with measurements rather than scales as u will find u will tone up losing fat and gaining muscle. also make sure u r taking a multi vitamin and mineral supplement. And a fish oil or flax seed oil would be a good idea too.
If your body is not getting enough nutrients it will store fat until it get what it needs.Health Question & Answer

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