Help!! I have to do ATLEAST 5 push-ups by tuesday!!?!

Question: Help!! I have to do ATLEAST 5 push-ups by tuesday!!.?
Ok pleaseee help me guys I don't know what to do!!
The thing is, I can't do even ONE pushup!!
Its really embarissing when I have to stop at one when my classmates are around 20-25!!

I try to work my muscles at home, like lifting and just trying to do a pushup but it doesn't work out..and its too hard...=/

What can I DO.?.? Pleaseeee and thank youuuuu,
-IkramHealth Question & Answer

do a modified push-up- get in push-up position, but go to your knees, and make sure your legs, and back are in a straight line.

do as many as you can. rest for about a minute, and then repeat. do as many as you can- again. repeat this about 4 times. push yourself. always try to squeeze out as many as you can.

next day, you may be a little sore. BUT you must try to do some in regular push up position. if you can't, do one set of as many as you can in the modified position.

then, the NEXT day, try to do a regular push up- you should be able to knock out a couple. do as many as you can and rest for a min. do as many as you can, again- repeat 4 times.

then on monday, do some regular push ups, and then do some modified push ups. your goal on this day is to accomplish as many as you can ONCE in regular position, then at least 5-8 in modified.

this should help out. you may be a little sore- just on monday night after you do your push-ups stretch very well. if you need, take an aspirin or equivalent before bed.Health Question & Answer

Practice doing pushups against the wall. This will build up your arms a little. But the main way is to do the modified pushup. Lock your bedroom door and don't let anyone see you do it that way. They used to be called girl pushups when I was in bootcamp.

Get on your hands and knees like you are going down into the pushup position. But instead of raising up on your toes, put your knees on the ground, bend your lowers legs back and cross them at the ankles. Now practice, practice and practice.Health Question & Answer

Use a bench press and start out small and work yourself to higher weights. If you dont have a bench press, get some dumbbells, one or two. Pick the weight you can lift and are comfortable with. lay on your back(on a bench preferably, so your elbows can go beyond your back) and push the dumbbells up into the air. do as many reps as you can in one session. take a break. do another session. do as many as you can. be slow and pace yourself. do this everyday. and you will have your muscle built in no time!Health Question & Answer

even if you cant do one you have to keep trying and one day you will be able to do it

.?qid=20080919120359AAbO6oB"> Question & Answer

do like 10 knee push ups 4 a bit then hop u and do 1....... 1Health Question & Answer

it can't be that difficult... i have twig arms and i'm doing at least 30 every day...Health Question & Answer

keep trying it will happenHealth Question & Answer

lift more weights
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do itHealth Question & Answer

you're not alone Health Question & Answer

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